What's In The Files Doctors Carry On Set In General Hospital?

"General Hospital" — or "that hospital show" as it's known as in the Twitterverse — constantly has doctors and nurses milling in and out of patients' rooms, exam rooms, and labs, always carrying files with them that look like they have pertinent information about the health of one of your favorite Port Charles characters.

Between mobsters constantly drawing guns on the Port Charles piers or international villains like the Cassadine clan constantly kidnapping one person or another, it seems like someone always ends up in the hospital for tests. For weeks, cartoon villain Peter August (Wes Ramsey), who just can't seem to be killed, took up a hospital bed after a poisoning attempt while in prison failed to take his life. However, on the ride back to Pentonville Prison, Peter escaped, shooting Police Commissioner Mac Scorpio (John J. York), and injuring cop Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) (via Soaps in Depth). This sent them both to Port Charles General Hospital where doctors and nurses examined them and carried those mystery files, but did you ever wonder what's really in those files and folders?

Those 'General Hospital' medical files are nothing but props

The next time you see Nurse Elizabeth Webber walking through the halls of the hospital with folders in hand or Dr. Austin Holt examining a file with a patient, you may think performers Rebecca Herbst or Roger Howarth are looking at their lines or reading something pertinent. However, they aren't reading anything at all. They are just doing a good job acting and staying in character while looking at nothing but paper with scribbles on it, according to Fame 10.

That's right. The prop department really doesn't do anything special with those folders that are supposed to contain oodles of health information to help a "General Hospital" doctor out. They just send the actors out with papers inside that the camera will never see. So, while there's plenty of critical medical scenes on the hospital show, there's definitely no life-saving hacks in the files our favorite medical heroes carry on set.
