Is It Bad To Go To The Gym Every Day?

Finding a gym routine that works for you can be tough. You have to commit to the time, the effort, and the wardrobe; all of these factors can contribute to irregular workout cycles. But once you get into a groove, the inverse can be true as well. When those endorphins are flowing and you've really found a rhythm, it can be tempting to hit the gym seven days a week. There are a lot of myths surrounding what the ideal exercise to rest ratio works best, but is it bad to work out every single day? Not necessarily. 

There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to how many days of exercise a person needs. Finding the workout schedule that, well, works out, best for you can be a matter of trial and error as well as one of determining what your particular goals are. Speaking with Byrdie, Jacqueline Kasen, Global Master Educator at Technogym and body architect at Anatomy Fitness, explained that everyone is different when it comes to exercise routines. "There truly isn't an exact answer on how many times each week someone should or shouldn't be working out," she said. "It all depends on the person's goals, current level of fitness, and what they are looking to achieve."

If daily workouts are for you, consider varying your days between cardio and weight training to maximize the effects. The Centers for Disease Control recommend at least two weight training days per week, as well as the addition of cardio for heart and respiratory health. 

The importance of rest days in fitness

Of course, if you're going to the gym every day of the week, there is the potential of overdoing it. Overtraining is a very real concern when going to the gym multiple days a week. You can find yourself fatigued, injured, or at a weight plateau if you're pushing yourself to work out too often, per Shape. But a bit of physical activity every day won't hurt you if you're doing it strategically. The key to success lies in not overworking your muscles or working out for too long. Around 45 minutes of exercise per day is ideal, according to Healthline. To keep yourself from overdoing it, vary the areas you're working out throughout the week so that single muscle groups don't get over-trained.

And if you're feeling the need for a rest day, don't be afraid to take it. In fact, the days that your muscles are resting are the days in which they grow. Weightlifting causes tiny tears in the muscle that are repaired during your down time, per Livestrong, meaning that the answer to a lack of gains could be a relaxing day on the couch in between visits to the gym. Rest days can also be beneficial to mental health. The long story short here is that you can absolutely work out every day, and even use that gym membership 365 days a week. But just be sure that you're not pushing yourself for the wrong reason. 
