The Truth About Prince Andrew's Relationship With Princess Anne

Prince Andrew and Princess Anne are two of the four children of Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Phillip. They are the two middle children in between their two other siblings, Prince Charles (the eldest) and Prince Edward (the youngest). Princess Anne was born on August 15, 1950, and Prince Andrew was born nearly a decade later on February 19, 1960.

Prince Andrew has frequently made headline news over the years in various scandals, from his messy and dramatic marriage and divorce, to royal faux pas, to the latest scandal caused by his association with the late Jeffrey Epstein. But where does Anne fit into his scandalous lifestyle?

Like most siblings, Andrew and Anne have a lot in common and ... a lot to argue about. From family drama to the trials of political life, there is likely way more going on behind the scenes than we will ever know for sure. But that doesn't mean we can't pry a little. Check out the truth about Prince Andrew's relationship with his big sister, Princess Anne.

Prince Andrew was rumored to be the queen's 'favorite'

Many have observed that, compared to how Princess Anne and older brother Prince Charles were treated as children, Prince Andrew was spoiled — to put it mildly. Andrew has frequently been rumored to be his mother's favorite so much so that "The Crown" (the Netflix show based on the lives of the royal family) even included this as an episode theme in Season 4. While it could merely be that the queen had more time to commit to motherhood when she had her second two children (Andrew and Edward) compared to her first two (Charles and Anne) since her older two children were born just before she became queen, the evidence that she paid special attention to Andrew is a bit too convincing to ignore.

According to The Daily Mail, Andrew had a reported seven nurseries in four different palaces and, even as a baby, was called "Baby Grumpling" and other nicknames poking fun at his tendency to get into trouble. His knack for trouble followed him throughout his life, but he never seemed to be punished too severely, if at all. The Daily Mail noted a particular instance of Andrew's pompousness when he underplayed a tragedy while visiting Lockerbie (where Pan Am Flight 103 crashed as the result of an explosive in December 1988, killing 11 locals on the ground and the 259 people aboard the plane). Reportedly, Andrew told those grieving in Lockerbie that the tragedy was "much worse for the Americans," which numbers-wise, was true, but was still thoughtless and unprofessional. The queen responded to Andrew's insensitive behavior by simply saying, "I wish I had gone."

Some think Anne should be next in line for the throne over Andrew

Those who frequently watch the show "The Crown" may already be aware, but, according to People, despite being younger than Princess Anne, Prince Andrew was next in line for the throne after their elder brother, Prince Charles, and his children. This is due to a technicality under the Succession of The Crown Act of 2013, which states that "the gender of a person born after 28 October 2011 does not give that person, or that person's descendants, precedence over any other person (whenever born)" when determining the succession of the crown. According to Express, after Prince Andrew was stripped of his royal privileges, many citizens of the U.K. came out to say that Princess Anne would make a better ruler than any of her siblings. One Express reader commented, "Now is the time to right a wrong and end discrimination against our excellent Princess Anne."

According to Vanity Fair, despite being in her 70s now, Princess Anne continues to work, even as Prince Andrew was pushed into retirement after the scandal of his association with the late Jeffrey Epstein was brought to light. Therefore, while it may not have happened because she deserves it, it does seem like Princess Anne has now taken Prince Andrew's place in line to the throne. However, his children still seem to be contenders as rightful heirs before her. How Anne feels about her place in line is unknown.

Princess Anne and Prince Andrew have argued

Considering that Princess Anne and Prince Andrew are kind of opposites, it seems likely that the two may not always get along. Princess Anne has been known for her straightforward nature, and she is the self-described "boring old fuddy-duddy at the back saying, 'Don't forget the basics,'" according to Vanity Fair. In contrast, Prince Andrew is well-known for not being too serious — and having perhaps a little bit too much fun on occasion.

Opposing personalities normally can be overlooked for the sake of familial obligation and love, but that may not always be enough to keep squabbles at bay. According to David Leigh, co-author of "The Duchess of York Uncensored," "Anne once called [Sarah Ferguson, Andrew's wife] an outsider at a family lunch and there was a furious row between Andrew and Anne." After Ferguson reportedly left the lunch crying, Prince Andrew "demanded that Anne apologize ... she did" (via Express). 

They have more in common than you'd think

Despite differing personalities and some occasional tension (all too common amongst siblings), Princess Anne and Prince Andrew have quite a bit in common.

For one thing, they both went through very public breakups the very same year. In 1992, both Prince Andrew and Princess Anne experienced changes within their marriages. Andrew and his wife, Sarah Ferguson, legally separated that year, though they weren't officially divorced until 1996. And, according to The Los Angeles Times, in April of 1992, Princess Anne officially divorced her husband, Mark Phillips. She later remarried Cmdr. Timothy J.H. Laurence in December of the same year. 

Another thing Andrew and Anne have in common is that they both have two children: Anne has a son, Peter, and a daughter, Zara Anne, and Andrew has two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie. While we're sure their experiences varied, it's possible they exchanged parenting advice, as most siblings in similar situations would.

Princess Anne agreed to strip Andrew of his royal duties

After Prince Andrew's past came back to haunt him and began dealing with the legal fallout of having been associated with the late Jeffrey Epstein, Princess Anne and the rest of her siblings got together to discuss what would come to be referred to as "the Andrew problem." A source told The Daily Mail, "The three siblings held several meetings, one of which included Prince Andrew. They were all in agreement, which took the pressure off their mother, but it is the Queen, ultimately, who still has the power here."

The source explained how the queen's eldest son, Prince Charles, and Prince Andrew aren't "particularly close, so it was important that any meetings were held with Anne and Edward present." This could be seen in one of two ways. One, it could be seen as the siblings getting together to bully Andrew out of his royal and military titles, leaving him essentially an "outcast." Or, two, it can be seen as all the siblings, Andrew included, coming together to discuss how to take the pressure off their mother after Andrew's attempt at getting the court case dismissed failed. Either way, the family at least came together to handle the news.
