Prince Harry And Serena Williams Are Teaming Up For This Important Cause

Meghan Markle's friendship with Serena Williams is a well-known wonder in the celebrity world, as the two regularly encourage one another's endeavors. But now the tennis superstar is teaming up with Meghan's husband; Williams and Prince Harry are joining forces for an important cause.

Via Twitter, Harry and Williams announced that they will be getting together for a conversation during BetterUp's first annual Inner Work Day in February. "Breakthroughs happen when you take a break," the tweet reads. "Learn how Inner Work builds Mental Fitness with BetterUp CEO @Arobichaux, Chief Impact Officer Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, and world-renowned athlete @serenawilliams. A Better You awaits." 

Williams, Harry, and BetterUp CEO Alexi Robichaux are set to discuss "cultivating the power of Mental Fitness through a bold commitment to Inner Work" during the final session of the virtual event, per Hola!. The event's Inner Work Day agenda explained the purpose of their chat. "From creating companies and foundations designed to inspire others to achieve their best to tackling challenges and finding success both in and outside of work, Serena, Prince Harry and Alexi share their personal stories and unique perspectives," the page reads. 

Prince Harry is continuing to focus on mental health advocacy

Prince Harry has been involved with the BetterUp organization since March 2021 as its first chief impact officer; a position that lines up well with his focus on outreach since leaving his royal duties behind. In a blog post announcing his new position, Harry explained his goals. "As BetterUp's first Chief Impact Officer, my goal is to lift up critical dialogues around mental health, build supportive and compassionate communities, and foster an environment for honest and vulnerable conversations," he wrote. With the help of Serena Williams, Harry plans to further these goals through conversation. Williams' connection to Meghan Markle and Harry goes back quite a ways, so it isn't all that surprising that she would get involved in such an important project. 

Williams and Meghan first met in 2010 at the Super Bowl, per the Daily Mail, but didn't get close until 2014 when they spent time together at the DirecTV Beach Bowl. In the years since, they have only grown closer. Following Meghan's tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey, Williams issued a statement of support for her "selfless friend," and stated that she knows "first hand" how the media can "vilify women of color." The collaboration with BetterUp will likely only serve to strengthen that relationship and help a lot of people along the way. 
