Here's What Chloe Kim Is Studying At School

The amount of pressure placed on athletes, especially female athletes, is excruciating. It's difficult to express the extent of their personal and professional struggles, as many have a tough time with everything from their training schedules to their academic endeavors. So, it's no surprise that Chloe Kim is struggling with her studies at school.

Avid fans may remember Kim from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang where she instantly reached stardom due to her incredible feats, such as bagging the gold medal in the halfpipe event, per Olympics. Though it's been over three years since she achieved fame and became a nationally recognized figure, Kim is still struggling with being the center of attention.

In addition to finding it hard to adjust to her newfound fame, Kim is having trouble with her academic studies. Currently, Kim is enrolled at Princeton University (of course, she's an Ivy girl!) and is majoring in anthropology, per Time Magazine. At first, Kim wanted to major in chemistry, but she found the subject too difficult to manage. With the pandemic halting in-person classes, Kim returned to snowboarding and is gearing up to compete in the upcoming Beijing Games while temporarily putting her collegiate interests on hold.

But, as Time Magazine noted, it's unclear if Kim will return to the gates of Princeton following the conclusion of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Read on to learn the struggles Kim faced at college to gain a better understanding of what she's studying and what's in store for this Olympian's future.

Olympian Chloe Kim did not have a good college experience

Being homeschooled all her life, Olympic athlete Chloe Kim dreamed of a normal learning experience (via Time Magazine). And what's more normal than going to college? Of course, you'd expect the experience to be a little different for a celebrity, but nothing too drastic.

Unfortunately for Kim, she was treated more like a guest than an actual student, which impacted her ability to make friends and build a life at Princeton. "As I was leaving, the girls came up to me, they're like, 'Chloe, can we get a picture, can we get a picture, can we get a picture?'" she says of her time in class. "And I was like, 'I don't want to be here as the snowboarder. I want to be here as a student. I want to be like everyone else. I want to be normal.'"

It only got worse when Kim tried to maintain her privacy by refusing photos. Students would call her vulgar names and were generally rude to her. Eventually, she found a few friends who treated her normally, though the struggle to be a regular student severely impacted her mental health (via Olympics).

Unfortunately, it's too early to tell if Kim will return to Princeton following this bad experience, but she did make a plea to her fellow students, "So to anyone that's here at Princeton and sees me at the dining hall or anywhere, please just remember that I'm a human being and I want a true, fun college experience."
