The Worst Things Hank Voight Has Ever Done On Chicago P.D.

In dramatic television, there can be a lot of moral gray areas. Favorite characters push the limits of what viewers will accept of them; whether it be breaking hearts or breaking the law. And there's one character in the One Chicago universe who is known for pushing boundaries, even pushing them too far at times. That's right, Hank Voight has done some pretty awful things on "Chicago P.D." Let's break down the worst of it.

It's clear from the start that Voight is going to be something of an antagonist for the force. The writers cast him in such a bad light that even the actor behind Voight, Jason Beghe, had to come to terms with it. Speaking with TVMeg, Beghe explained how he justifies Voight's behavior. "The first day I showed up on 'Chicago Fire,'" Beghe said, producers told him, "Oh, you're a bad guy." In response, Beghe said, "No, I'm not." And while Voight's first appearance on "Chicago Fire," which introduced him to the universe, included more than a little bit of manipulation and lying; Beghe sees his character as someone trying to get by. "[Voight's] just a person, and he's doing what he thinks is right. We come up with solutions to cope," he said. 

But even if Beghe is good with how his character behaves on the show, Voight has done some terrible things. 

Hank Voight's physical abuse

It's no secret that Hank Voight is a dirty cop. Along with a whole lot of lying, intimidation, and manipulation; Voight also isn't afraid to get physical. There are a couple of times that Voight takes the law — and those he believes deserve something more than an arrest — into his own hands. One such incident occurs in Season 3 when the Chicago P.D. capture a human trafficker. Once the suspect is in custody, Voight goes after him with an iron poker in the interview room referred to as "the cage." Things get intense when Voight attempt to get the truth out of him and it isn't easy to watch (via YouTube). 

While the iron poker is one of the more memorable incidents of physical abuse, it wasn't unprecedented. In Season 2, Voight finds himself in the middle of an armed robbery alongside his son's pregnant girlfriend, Olive; per Screen Rant. When the robbers threaten to murder Olive, Voight reluctantly hands over all of the money being stored in his safe. But after the robbers get away, Voight tracks down not only his kidnappers, but also everyone associated with them. In true Voight style, his interrogation methods take a turn for the abusive and he breaks more than a few bones. This sort of vigilante justice has become Voight's M.O. on the show, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch.

Hank Voight commits murder

As if inflicting physical violence isn't bad enough, Hank Voight has also been known to take a life or two. Like many of his questionable decisions, one such incident of murder centers around his son Justin. When his son's friend Joe Catalano attempts to frame him for murdering a rival gang member, Voight gets the case against his son buried and goes on to kill Catalano in a twisted form of justice for his son, per One Chicago Center.

This plot line is arguably one of the show's more intense, but it isn't the only time Voight demonstrates his willingness to kill. After Voight's friend Detective Alvin Olinsky's partner is murdered; Voight, Olinsky, and Detective Jimmy Shi find and kill the murderer, per Screen Rant. The trio takes the murderer, known as Browning, "out for a boat ride" and disposed of his body. While both of these murders are in response to some seriously messed up stuff, they go a long way towards solidifying Voight's reputation as a dirty cop. His particular brand of vigilante justice lasts throughout his time on the show, and he is likely not finished pushing limits just yet. 
