Here's How Ghislaine Maxwell's Legal Problems Will Likely Play Out

Ghislaine Maxwell is facing a lifetime in prison after being found guilty of five out of six charges, including sex trafficking of a minor and transporting a minor with the intent of sexual abuse, during a criminal trial related to the sex trafficking and abuse case of Jeffrey Epstein

The most serious charge — sex trafficking of a minor — carries a maximum prison sentence of 40 years, while the other four charges could bring her an additional 15 years. 

Maxwell has denied the charges, claiming that she was a scapegoat for Epstein, with whom she had a romantic relationship. And her defense lawyers are ready to motion for a new trial after juror Scotty David shared that he had been sexually abused as a child and used his experience to convince his fellow jurors to reach the guilty verdict.  

"When I shared that, they were able to sort of come around on, they were able to come around on the memory aspect of the sexual abuse," David told Reuters.

As a result, one of Maxwell's attorneys, Christian Everdell, wrote (per CNN), "Should the defense prevail on this motion — and we believe the law and facts are clearly on our side — it would render all other post-trial motions moot. Ms. Maxwell should not have to expend precious time and resources briefing other motions when this motion can and should be dispositive." 

But, now, it looks like prosecutors are willing to make a deal with Maxwell on other charges.

Prosecutors are willing to drop two charges against Ghislaine Maxwell

The U.S. government is willing to dismiss two perjury charges against Ghislaine Maxwell as long as her previous convictions hold up. Maxwell has been accused of lying about what she knew about Jeffrey Epstein's behavior in depositions related to a 2016 civil lawsuit. 

"In the event the defendant's post-trial motions are denied, the Government is prepared to dismiss the severed perjury counts at the time of sentencing, in light of the victims' significant interests in bringing closure to this matter and avoiding the trauma of testifying again," the joint filing stated, according to CNN

In addition, they would like Maxwell to be sentenced in three to four months.

But Maxwell's attorneys don't support the move because there is a "compelling basis" for the court to grant their client a new trial. "The defense therefore objects to setting a schedule for sentencing until this motion is resolved," they said (per NBC News). 

The defense team has until Jan. 19, 2022, to finalize their arguments for a new trial, while prosecutors have until Feb. 2, 2022, to respond.
