Workouts To Get You In And Out Of The Gym In Under 30 Minutes

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Do you ever feel like you walk into the gym and between your warm-up, cool-down, and the actual workout itself, you can be there for at least an hour, if not significantly longer? That doesn't even include the time it takes to change out of your sweaty clothes, jump in the shower for a quick rinse off, and get yourself ready to carry on with the rest of your day. As much as I love a good workout, it's no wonder we find ourselves thinking and making the excuses that we don't have enough time to get it done every single day.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be so difficult. Whether you are working out at home, the gym, or a local park, a good workout doesn't have to take hours. If you are short on time and trying to fit something into your busy day, any of these workouts will get you in and out of the gym in under 30 minutes — guaranteed!

Quick sandbag workout

Personally, I love just about any activity that allows me to move my body and get in a good sweat, whether it's hot yoga, running, or strength training. In fact, when I started strength training consistently my running drastically improved as I felt my legs were stronger and could better carry me longer and faster than before. Turns out that was exactly what was happening. 

One form of exercise I haven't personally tried is DVRT, or the Dynamic Variable Resistance Training System, which basically consists of using a sandbag through a variety of strength and resistance training movements. 

DVRT certified master trainer, Annmarie Licatese, shared this quick DVRT strength workout that is perfect for runners. In her post she says, "One of the ways to really get some bang for your buck and strengthen muscle imbalances is with single-side training (or staggered stance) exercises. This type of exercise helps to improve both sprinting speed and endurance since it demands more from the neuromuscular system in terms of stability." She goes on to explain how this workout is great for injury prevention and endurance training conditioning.

Flex Friday arm workout

Personally, I love to go to the gym and get in a great arm workout. For me, my arms are usually the first muscles to start showing change and definition, not to mention, who doesn't love a good pump after working their arms? 

If you are looking for a good arm workout for you next trip to the gym, then you may want to try this Flex Friday workout from Karena and Katrina, the trainers behind Tone It Up. The workout is less than 20 minutes and having personally tried it, I can assure you that you will be feeling super strong when you're done!

Dance it out

There should be no question that dancing is a great way to get in a workout. If you have ever spent a night out on the town with a group of girl friends, then you know after a few hours of dancing, the sweat is dripping off. 

Personally, I get a bit insecure about dancing in public and as such don't make a habit of those sorts of evenings, but I know dancing can be a great cardio workout, so when I want to get in my cardio out of the gym and from my own home, this 25-minute cardio workout from Simone De La Rue and PopSugar Fitness is the perfect solution. 

Grab that rope

Do you remember the last time you jumped rope? If you are like me, there's a good chance it hasn't been since you were a little kid playing around in gym class or in the driveway after school. A few years ago I rediscovered the amazing workout that comes with using a simple jump rope. Even better, it was like using a bicycle, the coordination to use it came back quickly. 

This 20-minute jump rope routine from Fitness Blender is the perfect way to get your heart rate up, boost your metabolism, and get you feeling like a kid all over again! As an added bonus, a jump rope easily fits into your suitcase if you are looking for a great way to stay active while on a business trip or upcoming vacation.

Get those six pack abs

While I think it's pretty safe to say that we all want six-pack abs year round, there's no denying that leading up to and during those warmer spring and summer months, we are worrying and working towards the six-pack abs of our dreams so we can feel confident in our bikinis. 

Whether or not you remember the days of the 8-Minute Abs videos, there's no denying that you don't need a huge chunk of time to get a really effective core-burning workout. This six-pack abs workout from Nicola Harrington at BeFiT is only ten minutes but sure to get your entire core working.

Lift the booty without any equipment

When it comes to working the lower body, it's important to remember that you don't need all kinds of fancy machines or heavy weights to get a great sculpting workout. In fact, you can get a great workout from the comfort of your own home and your own body weight. 

I especially love this butt lifting and thigh sculpting workout from Cassey Ho at Blogilates. This workout is great for all levels, beginners included as she even shares modifications throughout the workout. 

Workout to your favorite song (or five)

If you're looking for a workout that you can basically create yourself, then you may want to check out The Fitness Marshall. Caleb Marshall, the face behind The Fitness Marshall, creates these customized dance workouts to some of your favorite radio hits. 

While the workout may only be the length of the song, you can do a handful back-to-back to get in your planned 20 minutes of cardio for the day. If you're worried about keeping up throughout the workout, he offers a couple levels so you can tailor each song to your current fitness abilities. 

Don't forget to add in yoga

As someone who has been practicing yoga for several years, I often hear people talk about how intimidated they are to get started, especially if they're thinking of heading to their local studio for an hour long class. 

While I always urge friends and family to just go, ensuring them that no one is actually paying attention to what they are doing on their mat because they're too involved in their own practice, truthfully, I started practicing from the comfort of my home and to this day, I still enjoy a nice at-home practice from time to time. 

A great resource for your at-home practice, whether a beginner or experienced yogi, is Adriene Mishler from Yoga with Adriene. One of my favorite things about yoga is how it's perfect for all bodies, shapes, sizes, and athletes. Mishler has a variety of videos for the runner, cyclist, those looking to lose weight, someone who needs helping winding down at the end of the day, and everything in between.

No more excuses

While there is no denying that you don't actually need an endless supply of free time to get in a good workout, sometimes we do have that extra little bit of time or are feeling that post-workout endorphin high and we want to try to push out a little something extra. 

With these under-30 minute workouts, you can easily add on an extra ten-minute ab video, dance to another track from The Fitness Marshall, or stretch out your cool down with a little restorative yoga session. 

Regardless of how you make it happen, the truth is that the excuse about not having enough time to fit in that workout is no longer valid.
