Jacqueline MacInnes Wood Reveals How She Got Back Into Shape After Having Her Second Child

Soap actress Jacqueline MacInnes Wood and her husband, Elan Ruspoli, are committed to growing their family. Just nine months after welcoming their second child, "The Bold and the Beautiful" star announced that she is expecting baby number three, due in spring 2022. "Elan and I dreamed of having a large family as we are both only children and are over the moon that our dreams are coming true," Wood told People.

The new baby will join sons Rise Harlan, born in March 2019, and Lenix, born in February 2021. Fans were able to follow both of Wood's pregnancy journeys closely, thanks to her numerous Instagram posts, including a colorful gender reveal before Lenix was born. The Daytime Emmy winner has been candid about adjusting to motherhood.

"You read all the books and you feel him in your arms and everyone leaves the room and you're like, 'Okay. Now what?' " Wood told Soap Opera Digest about having her first child. "The first two days, you know, you keep looking at him like, 'Are you breathing? Are you alive?' You just keep doing that, and then you kind of start picking up on their cues. I'm a work in progress. I'm still learning, but you just figure it out day by day." As with motherhood, Wood has also been open about what it took to get back into shape after giving birth to her second son.

Jacqueline MacInnes Wood stayed active throughout her pregnancy

Fans of "The Bold and the Beautiful" were surprised at how quickly Jacqueline MacInnes Wood got back into pre-pregnancy shape after the birth of her second child. But the actress is quick to point out that she never stopped being active throughout the pregnancy. "No. 1, I was working out through my pregnancy, even if it was only little things," she told Soaps.com. "It was tough the last few months just because we were moving, but hey, moving is still working out." She added that exercise may be "just chasing [first-born son Rise] around the house, in one day, I walk a mile and a half, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He's usually keeping me moving."

She also watches what she eats, focusing on nutrient-dense foods with the occasional splurge. "But I don't overdo it," Wood explained, "because I'm not sleeping, I'm up with the kids and doing a billion things at once. So stress levels could be up. And that means your cortisol levels are up. And that means there's a greater chance that you're going to get sick."
