Did Prince Albert And Princess Charlene Really Do This During Their Honeymoon?

Royal marriages often face a great deal of scrutiny, but the union of Monaco's Prince Albert and Princess Charlene has faced more than its share. 

For six months in 2021, the princess was in her native South Africa after being hit with a serious ear, nose, and throat infection during a visit. 

After she was reunited with Albert and their two children, rumors swirled that the couple was headed for divorce. In fact, prior to Charlene's health struggles, there appeared to be trouble in paradise. 

Before she left for South Africa, the Daily Mail reported that Charlene was living in a two-bedroom apartment above an old chocolate factory instead of the royal palace. 

And, in December 2020, an unnamed Brazilian woman filed a paternity suit against Albert, alleging that he was the father of her 15-year-old daughter. If the claim turns out to be true, it will be the third time that the prince has admitted to fathering an illegitimate child. 

However, Albert denied that his wife fled to her native country because she was angry with him. 

"She didn't leave Monaco in a huff!" he told People. "She didn't leave because she was mad at me or at anybody else. She was going down to South Africa to reassess her Foundation's work down there and to take a little time off with her brother and some friends."

Now, there are reports that the couple did something very unromantic on their honeymoon.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene stayed at separate resorts on their honeymoon

With rumors swirling about the state of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene's marriage, sources have told the Express that there were problems between them from the start. 

Before their lavish 2011 wedding, Charlene reportedly tried to flee Monaco three times, was seen in tears on her wedding day, and allegedly "recoiled" when her groom tried to kiss her (per Now to Love). 

After the three-day event, Albert and Charlene went to honeymoon in her native South Africa — but, while she stayed at a luxury beach resort, Albert was 10 miles away in Durban. 

"The explanation is that he wanted to avoid the traffic in the morning to get to early meetings," journalist Peter Allen said at the time. "So he stayed there, leaving poor old Charlene 10 miles up the coast at a seaside hotel."

But, after Princess Charlene's health struggles in 2021, she had nothing but positive things to say about her husband. 

"It's been a trying time for me. I miss my husband and children dearly," she said. "Albert is my rock and strength and without his love and support I would not have been able to get through this painful time."
