Donald Trump Jr. Made This Dark Remark About Ghislaine Maxwell

Social media celebrated when a Manhattan court decided to put British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell behind bars for recruiting and trafficking for her partner, Jeffrey Epstein. The internet wasn't short of memes either, most notably one which showed Epstein and Maxwell with the caption, "Love is finishing each other's sentences" (via Twitter). 

But Donald Trump Jr. took it a step further by posting a meme on Instagram that looked like a memorial page and that indicated Ghislaine Maxwell's birth year and the phrase "next week or so." Like the previous meme, this one was also a veiled reference to Epstein, who died behind bars. Epstein was waiting to be tried on federal charges of sex trafficking at the time of his death, per The New York Times

Don Jr.'s post was well received by his fans, who also called for the rich and powerful to be held accountable for their association with Epstein and Maxwell. "We must hold them ALL accountable!" one user wrote (via Instagram). 

His remark had the internet divided

Others took the opportunity to remind Donald Trump Jr. that his father, former President Donald Trump, had been out and about with the infamous couple, too. There was nothing in the younger Trump's Instagram post about his father's opinion on the matter, but Trump had in fact said publicly after Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest that he hadn't been following the case, adding, "I just wish her well, frankly. I have met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is" (via The Guardian).

However, the internet remembered, and just as there were those who applauded Don Jr.'s wit, there were those who reminded him about his omission. "Is your dad still wishing her well? Or is he pretending they've never met?" one social media user said. Another asked: "Wasn't your Dad best friends with them for like 30 years?"

A deal reached in early December 2020 stipulates that the contents of Maxwell's "little black book" would not be released into the public domain. Her Rolodex is said to contain nearly 2,000 names of high-flyers including global leaders, celebrities, and businessmen (via The Sunday Times).
