Why A Conservative Radio Host Says Donald Trump Needs An Intervention

Former President Donald Trump has been heavily criticized numerous times, but the backlash to his most recent comments has left people on both sides of the aisle baffled. As CNN reported, Trump was booed during the Dallas stop of his "History" tour with Bill O'Reilly after admitting to getting his COVID-19 booster. A video, widely shared on Twitter, shows the former Fox News host asking whether Trump received the booster shot, to which he replies in the affirmative. After audible backlash from gathered supporters, the former commander-in-chief says, "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't," in an attempt to shut everyone up before arguing, "That's all right, it's a very tiny group over there."

In a slightly longer video from the event, Trump can be heard warning the crowd that they are "playing right into their hands" by dismissing vaccines, particularly since his administration was instrumental in creating them and making them widely available. "Look, we did something that was historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me," he reasoned, before receiving a smattering of boos. Trump later acknowledged nobody should be "forced" to get vaccinated against their will. However, he also pressed those concerned to be proud of everything they've achieved because otherwise Democrats are going to take all the credit from them.

Although the former "Apprentice" host, who was hospitalized with COVID himself at one stage, made a compelling case for vaccines, certain commentators believe this time he's gone too far.

Wayne Allyn Root is concerned for his beloved friend

According to Business Insider, during a recent appearance on Alex Jones's infamous "Infowars," right-wing radio host Wayne Allyn Root posited that Donald Trump needs professional help after his latest pro-vaccination comments. Following his onstage appearance with Bill O'Reilly, Trump did an interview with conservative pundit Candace Owens and reiterated his stance, confirming the COVID-19 jab prevents serious illness. Several commentators were incensed by Trump's comments, and Root, a prominent political analyst, was one of his loudest critics.

Root considers Trump a friend, having publicly supported him and even having opened for the former reality star during a 2018 rally in Las Vegas (via The Daily Beast). While chatting to Jones about the situation, Root railed, "He needs an intervention from a friend because he's the greatest president of my lifetime. I love him. I will always love him." He later added that Trump is typically infallible, but he's wrong about vaccines. In fact, Root reasoned, "He's so horribly wrong on this issue." Jones was similarly unimpressed with the former president's stance, even suggesting that Trump had switched sides.

The conservative personality argued, "Hell, we're fighting Bill Gates and Fauci and Biden and the new world order and Psaki. ... And now we've got Trump on their team!" However, on the other side, there's been a swell of support for Trump, with White House press secretary Psaki even acknowledging their administration was "grateful" he spoke out in support of vaccinations.
