Bikini Wax Vs. Brazilian Wax: What's The Difference?

Hair removal, no matter the part of the body, is a personal choice, and everyone has different preferences where it comes to if and how much hair they want to remove, and the method they choose to use. While shaving is pretty straightforward and simple, it doesn't last very long, and you end up needing to do it every couple of days if you want to stay smooth. For this reason, some people choose to go the waxing route. 

Waxing lasts longer than shaving (via Elle), with results lasting weeks rather than days. Depending on the part of your body you choose to wax and your own level of experience and comfort, you might do the waxing yourself at home or you might book an appointment with a professional aesthetician. Where it comes to waxing your bikini area, there are two major styles of waxing you might choose from: a bikini wax or a Brazilian wax. And while you've likely heard both of these terms before, if you're new to waxing, you might be wondering: what's the difference? 

Bikini or Brazilian?

The main difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian wax is how much hair is removed (via Healthline). For a bikini wax on women, traditionally, hair is removed from the top of the pubic area and also from the sides, where skin might be visible when wearing a bikini (hence the name). The remainder of the hair on the pubic area is generally left alone. Instead, a Brazilian wax removes all the hair, leaving a fully-bare pubic area. 

When you go for your first ever wax, an aesthetician might suggest you start with a bikini wax, just to see how you feel about the experience and how your skin responds to the treatment. If you tolerate it well and would prefer to remove all the hair next time, you could schedule a full Brazilian wax for your next appointment. 

Naturally, if you are having trouble making the choice between the two, or if you are a little nervous about the experience, finding a caring and knowledgable aesthetician to work with is the first step, as they are usually very happy to answer any questions and talk through any concerns with you before you ever get onto their table.   
