Here's What Really Ended Huma Abedin's Marriage To Anthony Weiner

Over the years, former Congressman Anthony Weiner has found himself the center of several scandals. Before the scandals broke, Weiner was a respected member of Congress. Representing New York, he gained national attention for his passion to provide healthcare for the survivors of 9/11 and the first responders who risked their own lives to save others.

However, Weiner quickly fell from grace after news broke that he engaged in sexually explicit conversations with a 15-year-old girl. After the headlines, he resigned from Congress and dropped his bid for New York City mayor. He was eventually sentenced to prison in 2017 for the crime. "I was a very sick man for a long time," Weiner told the judge during his trial. "I have a disease but I have no excuse" (per NBC News). While he pleaded guilty, he shared that he originally felt his behavior wasn't a problem.

Given this ordeal, it's no surprise that his marriage to his wife, Huma Abedin, crumbled. Recently, Abedin shared more about why her marriage to Weiner fell apart.

Anthony Weiner crossed a line in their marriage

While Huma Abedin is known best for her marriage to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, she has had a highly successful political career of her own (via NPR). She worked alongside Hillary Clinton for over 25 years and was respected by many for her extensive career in politics. However, her husband's scandals were hard for her to navigate.

Abedin said she reached her breaking point with Weiner when he sexted in bed next to the couple's young son. As she told CNN's Dana Bash, "That was the point where for so long ... I was saying, 'I don't understand. I don't understand. Why can't you just knock it off?'"

Abedin describes a photo sent to the 15-year-old girl which showed Weiner in his underwear while the couple's son was asleep in bed next to him. His son's face is visible in the photo. Rightfully so, Abedin said the final straw for her was when the New York Post published the photo. She soon began divorce proceedings.
