Legal Experts Say Michael Cohen's Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Is Doomed - Exclusive

After serving a three year prison sentence, former President Donald Trump's ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, is a free man (via The Hill). Cohen is released under three years of supervision and says he is determined to work with law enforcement to ensure others "are held responsible for their dirty deeds."

In a statement, Cohen said, "My release today in no way negates the actions I took at the direction of and for the benefit of Donald J. Trump." He added, "But it also does not negate the behavior of the Justice Department, Bill Barr, the Southern District of New York Prosecutors, Judge William H. Pauley the third, or Donald himself, in my initial incarceration and prosecution."

From that statement, it is clear that Cohen was hoping to hold Trump accountable for his actions. Cohen has been itching to sue the former President for a while now (via CNBC). Now, he's taken to Twitter to tell his followers his next plan.

Cohen is hoping to sue Trump for violating his First Amendment rights

Cohen took to Twitter to let his followers know that his next steps would be a lawsuit against the former president.

We asked a few legal professionals to give us their expert opinion about Cohen's plans to sue Trump. Los Angeles-based former federal prosecutor and president of West Coast Trial Lawyers Neama Rahmani exclusively told Women Lifestyle, "Cohen is being remanded to prison for violating the terms of his furlough by using social media. He has standing to file the lawsuit and it raises an interesting First Amendment argument, but it will likely fail because courts can allow for infringement of Constitutional rights as a condition of release." He added, "Cohen is an attorney and may be trying to secure more favorable terms of release, but I expect the Department of Justice to litigate this issue and prevail."

Attorney Matthew Barhoma of Barhoma Law, P.C told us, "The case of Cohen v. Trump is always bizarre because it's an attorney against his former client, Trump." He added, "And to make matters even more complex, the former client also happens to have presidential immunity for acts he's done while in office. But it seems here that Michael Cohen believes he has standing for his alleged grievance against Trump and others associated. I think if he brings a claim because of an alleged remand of Cohen to Otisville for his refusal against waiving his First Amendment right, it will be hard to prove."
