The Sex And The City Reboot Is Finally Here And Fans Just Aren't Having It. Here's Why

And just like that, Michael Patrick King (MPK) crushed the hearts of "Sex and the City" ("SATC") diehards everywhere  — especially on Twitter (via Bustle). If you managed to stay away from the internet long enough to make it home from work just in time to sit in front of your TV to experience an uninterrupted viewing of the first two episodes of the "SATC" reboot "And Just Like That," congratulations. Others, who just happened to be scrolling Twitter or Instagram on their commute were not so lucky.

Nearly 17 years after the original series finale aired in 2004 (via IMDb), MPK finally gave "SATC" fans exactly what they've been waiting for: a reboot. The only problem? Within just a few minutes of the show's HBO MAX premiere, the internet was set aflame (as it so often is) with opinions and mixed reviews — most of which were negative (via the Los Angeles Times).  

First, let's talk about Samantha Jones

Even if you haven't seen "SATC," it's likely that you've at least heard of Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall). Samantha Jones is one of Carrie Bradshaw's (aka Sarah Jessica Parker) best friends in the original "SATC" series and one of the most iconic fictional feminists of the late '90s and early '00s. As MTV journalist Natalie Morin writes, Samantha was a "sex-positive, career-driven powerhouse whose feminism was a welcome breath of fresh air." She was strong-willed, independent, and honestly, an amazing role model for women everywhere —regardless of their age. Not only did Samantha believe in herself, but she believed in her friends too. 

Instead of following the original storyline, the writers veered off into shadesville painting Samantha Jones as somewhat of a brat (via USA Today). Here's how it all went down: When someone asks about Samantha, Charlotte York-Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis) chimes in and says "She's no longer with us" — a statement that may or may not have sent some viewers over the edge. But, the writers didn't kill off the character, they just wrote her out of the series in the most unrealistic way possible.

Apparently, Samantha and Carrie had a falling out. Yeah, OK

According to the show's writers, Samantha is in London and is ghosting her friends (via USA Today). "I told her that because of, you know, what the book business is now, it just didn't make sense for me to keep her on as a publicist," Carrie tells Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon). "She said fine, and then fired me as a friend." Miranda then goes on to say: "She didn't fire you; you know Samantha — her pride got damaged," noting that she and Charlotte have also tried to reach out to their dear friend Samantha to no avail. "Look, I understand that she was upset," Carrie continues, "but I thought I was more to her than an ATM." Almost as if to add insult to injury, Carrie ends their dialogue with: "I always thought the four of us would be friends forever" (via E! News).

Fans took to the situation just about as well as ants would to a pile of salt. "I'm sorry but there is no way Samantha Jones would ghost her friends," wrote one fan on Twitter. "Put more respect on Samantha Jones. She was the most understanding friend in that group and would never go ghost like that. Lazy-a** writers," another viewer tweeted.

Then, there was the whole thing with Mr. Big

Within the first eight minutes of the first episode of the reboot, viewers lost Samantha (via Rolling Stone). Within the last 10, they lost Mr. Big — but not before Carrie asks him to pleasure himself in front of her in an earlier scene, which as many fans have pointed out was uncomfortable to watch (via The New York Times). In that scene, Big reaches for the nightstand to grab a bottle of lube. When he does this, Carrie sets up Big's demise by joking that she thought he needed his nitroglycerin pills, an extended-release capsule used to prevent or stop chest pain in people with a heart condition (via Mayo Clinic).

Throughout the episode, Carrie teases Big about having a crush on his Peloton instructor, Allegra. While Carrie is at Lily's piano recital, Big pushes himself too hard on the Peloton and suffers from a fatal heart attack. When Carrie comes home, Big is still alive and propped up against the wall in the shower. Instead of running to get his nitroglycerin pills or calling 911, however, Carrie screams and holds him as he dies in her arms (via Rolling Stone).

MPK says killing off Mr. Big was his idea

Fans stormed to Twitter to voice their opinions on MPK's decision to cut yet another main character from the plot. "17 years!! ... we've waited 17 years to see Carrie & Big live their lives together and he DIES the first episode. I can't," tweeted one distraught fan. "I am floored. Mr. Big dies at the end of the first episode. Are you f****** kidding me? This is going to ruin a lot of people. Seriously," adds another Twitter user.

Despite fans' sorrow, MPK says killing Mr. Big was his idea. "I wanted to see if it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," he told Entertainment Tonight. "And I wanted to do an amazing arc for Carrie and Sarah Jessica because I knew she could be amazing playing both the dark and the light. I wanted everyone to see that, and I wanted to write that," King continued. "Also, the thesis of the show and Carrie says it in the finale voiceover, everybody thinks it's about Big calling and saying I'm coming, but really the most significant challenging relationship of all is the one you have with yourself."

While these two plot points are major issues for viewers, many fans have expressed additional grievances with the show leaving many to wonder, as The New York Times so eloquently put it, "was this really necessary?"
