Meet Taylor Mayne Pearl Brooks, Garth Brooks' Daughter

A year after his breakthrough 1991 album "Ropin' the Wind" (via Britannica), country legend Garth Brooks and his ex-wife Sandy Mahl welcomed their first daughter into the world. According to The Things, Taylor Mayne Pearl Brooks came as quite the surprise for the couple, as they weren't exactly planning on having kids any time soon. Taylor Mayne was conceived while they were on vacation in Maine, so Brooks and Mahl decided to incorporate the state creatively into her name alongside tributes to the singer-songwriter James Vernon Taylor and comedian Minnie Pearl.

After her, Brooks and Mahl had two more daughters — Allie Colleen and August Anna — before the couple decided to end their marriage in 2001. Despite filing for divorce, Brooks and Mahl dedicated their time to co-parenting their three daughters extremely well — to the point that Brooks even stopped his career for a time in the early aughts, Fabiosa reported. 

So, where is Taylor Mayne Pearl now? Has she followed in her father's footsteps like her younger sister Allie Colleen?

Not much is known about the eldest of Garth Brooks' daughters

As the eldest of the three, Taylor Mayne Pearl Brooks has actually remained pretty private on social media. However, what is known about Garth Brooks' daughter is that she graduated from Oklahoma State University with a major in history (via Celeb Suburb), and went on to receive a Master's degree in Theological Studies at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

Her father has supported her all the way, as he has done with her two siblings. "Kids are the greatest joy and the greatest heartache you'll ever have," he told People magazine in 2015. "If they have D's, if they flunk, you deal with it. You introduce them to the Lord, teach them manners, teach them to believe in themselves, but the truth is, they're going to be who they're going to be," he added. 

And now that all three of his daughters are out on their own, he's become even more protective of them. "I am in the period now where I think I pray more than I ever have in my life," Brooks said, adding, "Because for some reason when they were under my roof, I felt like I might have had some control, you know?" 
