Are Tucker Carlson And Hunter Biden Really Friends?

Even if you have very little interest in politics and none whatsoever in political commentators, you've probably still heard of Tucker Carlson and are aware that the often-controversial Fox News host is a staunch defender of all things right (wing). Needless to say, he's no fan of President Joe Biden, and at times he's extended his animosity toward Joe's family, as well. In the past he has mocked Dr. Jill Biden's title (via Twitter), and he has also insinuated that Hunter Biden may have been involved in a number of illegal activities and complained that the president's son "can do whatever he wants" (via Fox News Facebook).

The latest bombshell, however, reveals that at one point, at least, Carlson and Hunter Biden may have been on friendlier terms. According to leaked emails acquired by attorney Lin Wood, the two sworn enemies may once have been Capitol Hill's version of "The Fox and the Hound."

What did the leaked emails reveal?

The emails in question, posted to right-wing social media platform Telegram by Lin Wood, date from November 2014. According to Newsweek, the exchange speaks of a referral letter that Georgetown alum Hunter Biden wrote recommending Tucker Carlson's son, Buckley Carlson, be admitted to his alma mater. The emails begin with Tucker telling Biden, "Hunter! I can't thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley's behalf. So nice of you. I know it'll help." He then followed it up with by saying, "Hope you're great and we can all get dinner soon. Tucker" — words that strongly imply the two men were on less-than-adversarial terms at the time. In fact, the implication is that they were even socializing with each other's families.

Biden's response, also screenshotted in Wood's post, read, "Hey buddy — I need Buckley's CV if you have one handy. Thanks," to which Tucker replied by saying, "Of course. Getting on a plane now but I'll ask Susie to send it right away. Thanks again. It's really nice of you to do this." So yes, the big secret revealed here seems to be that these two men, poles apart though they may have been politically, were actually quite friendly with each other. As to whether Biden's letter actually benefited Buckley, we may never know, since the younger Carlson wound up enrolling at the University of Virginia instead.

Is this just another hoax?

While the screenshotted emails that somehow came into Lin Woods' possession have not been verified, Mediaite indicates that there may be some truth behind these shocking claims that Hunter Biden and Tucker Carlson were buddies seven years ago. According to journalist Mike Rothschild, while Wood may be a big proponent of all manner of conspiracy theories and hoaxes, so far much of the actual documentation he's posted to back up his recent claims has shown itself to be valid.

Perhaps the main reason we have to believe that the emails are real comes from Carlson himself. While Carlson had originally been going after the Democratic presidential candidate's son in the run-up to the 2020 election, he later switched gears and dropped the attack because, as he explained, Hunter wasn't the one running for office. Carlson also admitted to having known him "fairly well" at a time when they were neighbors in the nation's capital. He also says he was acquainted with Kathleen Biden, Hunter's ex-wife, calling her "an absolutely outstanding person, a good person" (via HuffPost)

While Carlson wasn't so effusive with the accolades for his old pal, he did admit he "never thought Hunter Biden was a bad person" — and coming from Carlson, that's fairly high praise. While this friendship (or former friendship) may not be on-brand for either Carlson or Hunter, as political scandals go, it's as benign as they come.
