If Your Boss Is Threatening To Fire You Over Nothing, Here's What You Should Do

Being a working-class citizen requires tremendous effort, hard work, and long hours for people to earn a living for themselves — let alone support their families. It's a world of different career paths — each one different than the other. It's tough to get a job in any sector, but it's equally tough to work in a place where you, as an employee, are not respected.

Legally, there have been incidents where people weren't treated fairly with their workplaces — a lot of that may be related to issues with bosses (via Ottinger Law). There are no specific provisions related to the termination of employment in the U.S. since it is regarded to be a right of the employer. Workers who are employed on an at-will basis can be terminated without any grounds as long as the reason is not illegal, while others may have a contract with specific termination clauses (via The Balance Careers).

If something like this happens to you, the very first thing you should do is check your employment contract. Many of these contracts include a just cause termination clause, which mandates that employer can only fire an employee if they have a valid reason (via Legal Aid at Work). If your contract contains that clause and you're still fired by your boss without solid grounds, you can sue them for wrongful termination. This is why there are laws that protect the citizen's rights and give them a chance to fight their wrongful termination.

How do you fight wrongful termination in court?

If your boss chooses to fire you without providing a valid reason for termination, going to human resources and disclosing your situation can be helpful if you think the reason for termination might be a personal grudge (via Chron). In this situation, you should consult your employee handbook and communicate with the labor union, if applicable, to better understand your rights as an employee. You can also take legal action against the company under any contractual claims, which may include how you were treated as an employee (via Investopedia). 

Alternatively, if you think that your termination was because of a personal grudge by your boss, then you can consult an attorney and file a lawsuit against the employer who fired you under a tort claim, which includes defamation, emotional distress and anxiety, etc. (via Chron). If you are wrongfully terminated in violation of your civil rights, you can also file a case due to monetary damages for wages and emotional distress (via Nolo). 

While there are always risks when challenging an employer in court, the process is worth it if you feel that your termination was done for reasons which might not be a legal cause for termination. This is why it is important to have a strong understanding of your employment contract before accepting a job.
