Alison Sweeney Reveals How She Stays In Shape

Alison Sweeney is best known for playing bad girl Sami Brady on "Days of Our Lives." However, she's so much more than her soap opera persona. Sweeney, who also previously hosted "The Biggest Loser," says that she works hard to advocate for body positivity, which includes raising her children to love their bodies as well.

"We had a contestant [on 'The Biggest Loser'] who said she was going to love herself when she got to her target weight. I almost started to cry," Sweeney told Health back in 2015. "As a mother of a daughter, I couldn't lose the opportunity to explain that there will always be something. You need to learn to love yourself no matter what your situation is. Body image is an issue very close to my heart," she added.

Of course, the actress says that it's normal to struggle with negative thoughts. "There's something human in that. It's not that the feelings are wrong. It's what you do about it that means something. You might say, 'Oh, my arms' when you look in the mirror. But if you let it bring you down, you're allowing that feeling to take over. Acknowledge the thought and let it move on. That's something you have to practice, and you can get good at it," Sweeney says.

These days, the former "DOOL" star says she tries to balance her own workouts with her busy schedule as a mother and actress.

Alison Sweeney plans ahead to make the most of her workouts

Alison Sweeney is a busy mother and actress, but she still makes time to keep her body in shape. CBS News reports that the former "Days of Our Lives" star does whatever she can to get her exercise in, including adapting to whatever life throws at her. "It's all about planning ahead, like going to the market and buying food for the week so when I come home, I have stuff ready to go in the fridge," Sweeney told the outlet.

The actress also revealed that she tries to plan her workouts ahead of time. "Sometimes that means packing my gym bag and having it ready in the car so after I drop my kids off, I can get to the park to work out or hit the gym. Planning ahead is the No. 1 advantage to getting things done. Sometimes I make a choice not to work out because I don't have time, and that means I'll do it the next day and that's okay, because I chose it and I don't have to feel guilty," the actress said of her fitness mindset.

Alison Sweeney reveals her favorite workouts

Alison Sweeney knows a thing or two about fitness after hosting "The Biggest Loser" and being diligent about her own physical health. The actress previously told CBS News that in addition to planning her workouts ahead, she also does an array of workouts in order to get her exercise in.

"If you have time to hit the gym and go to a spin class or go running, those are my favorites. When I don't have time for a full workout, I think it's really important to still get something done, so there are apps that let me do five-minute intervals with yoga poses or resistance bands," she revealed. "I can even do them while I'm watching TV at night, like an arm workout, sit-ups or plank pose and that's something. Something is better than nothing and sometimes people forget that," Sweeney added.

It seems that Sweeney doesn't put too much pressure on herself when it comes to her fitness routine, but she does make it a priority.
