Meghan Markle And Ellen DeGeneres' Awkward Prank Has Twitter In Stitches

On Thursday, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." News of this interview, which is the first time that Markle has appeared in a televised interview since her exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey in March, was only revealed on Wednesday. Host Ellen DeGeneres, who is actually a friend and neighbor of Markle, asked the Duchess of Sussex about her time as an actress and her last date with Prince Harry before they were outed as a couple, among many other things, according to USA Today.

While on the show, Markle also participated in a popular "Ellen DeGeneres Show" fixture, in which the show guests wear an earpiece and go out into the public and do whatever DeGeneres tells them to do through the earpiece. Markle's particular earpiece prank included her interacting with people selling cookies, crystals, and hot sauce on the Warner Bros. lot where the show is filmed. As The Sun reported, the audience laughed and applauded loudly as DeGeneres had Markle make a total fool out of herself. While at the table with the crystals, Markle put a large crystal against her head and declared that she had healing powers. Then, at the hot sauce table, DeGeneres instructed Markle to say, "Mummy wants some heat." At the next table, Markle nibbles on cookies like a chipmunk and dons cat ears while singing a song about kittens.

Viewers couldn't stop laughing at Markle's prank on the show

It seems as though much of Twitter thought that Meghan Markle's prank on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" was hilarious. One Twitter user posted a video of the prank with the caption "Comedy gold #MeghanMarkle on #Ellen I can't!!!" Many responses to this original post also echo enthusiasm for Markle's game face, though some viewers suffered from some secondhand embarrassment. "I couldn't watch it all ... Too painful!" one viewer tweeted.

This reaction to Markle's prank is just one small part of an international reaction to her entire interview on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." While many viewers in the United States seemed to be open-minded about her appearance on the show, the British response was not as favorable. "Meghan was acting that everything was wonderful and so funny and isn't she sweet and a bit shy," royal commentator Angela Levin told The Sun. "And it's not going to work really. She's desperate for publicity, desperate for people to watch and see her." However, according to Marie Claire, other royal experts claimed that Markle's lighthearted interview did not pose any threats to the royal family's reputation.
