Why Twitter Is Giving Kellyanne Conway A History Lesson From 2020

Kellyanne Conway, who served as a senior adviser for former President Donald Trump from 2017-2020, has mostly been out of the spotlight since her departure from the White House in August 2020 (via Washington Post). Conway stepped down from her position in the Trump administration after her then-15-year-old daughter, Claudia Conway, took to social media to allege that she was living in an abusive household and was seeking emancipation from her parents (via Refinery29). If you'll recall, Claudia gained a lot of media attention for her TikTok videos and tweets about her mom and how she disagreed with the Trump administration, and often posted in support of the Black Lives Matter movement (via Insider).

"Our four children are teens and 'tweens starting a new academic year in the middle school and high school that will be conducted remotely from home for at least a few months," Kellyanne said in a statement about her decision to step down from her position in the White House at the time, adding that virtual learning "requires a level of attention and vigilance" and that the decision to leave was her choice. "In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama," she concluded.

However, now that she's laid low for over a year, Kellyanne proved that she's ready to be back in the spotlight, appearing on Fox News on November 8 to talk about inflation and the current supply chain issues (via HuffPost).

Kellyanne Conway's comments about the supply chain issues has Twitter in a tizzy

During an appearance on Fox News, Kellyanne Conway made an incredibly bold statement about the current supply chain and inflation issues plaguing the country, telling Sean Hannity, "I worked in that White House for four years. We never even heard of such a thing. There was no supply chain crisis. There was no inflation" (via HuffPost). As previously mentioned, Conway worked in the White House under the Trump administration from 2017-2020, the year the pandemic hit and people were panic buying any and everything, from toilet paper and dry pasta to canned fruits and veggies.

Twitter wasted no time putting Conway in her place and calling her out on her blatant lie, with one social media user writing, "Kellyanne Conway says there was no supply chain crisis with [Trump], but I'm old enough to remember when we couldn't get toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and other basic necessities that are all available today." Others added that doctors and nurses couldn't get PPE necessities like gloves, gowns, and masks, and posted pics of empty shelves at the store.

Ex-Pence aide Olivia Troye even chimed in, writing, "My recollection is quite different than Kellyanne Conway's, especially when it comes to the 2020 crisis. I seem to recall being in the same room with her at A LOT of White House discussions [with] the former guy about supply chain shortages ranging from PPE all the way to TP."
