Did Princess Diana Really Have This Relatable Parenting Problem With William And Harry?

During her life, Princess Diana wore many hats. She was not only a fixture of the royal family who was beloved around the globe, but she also touched lives with her humanitarian work. 

However, despite all of her fame and titles, the most important role in Diana's life was said to be motherhood and parenting her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. "I live for my sons," she once said, per HuffPost. "I would be lost without them."

Diana made it clear that she was raising her children to be good men and fathers who had empathy for others. She even admitted that she had taken her young sons to see areas where homeless people congregated and had them meet with others dying of AIDS. "I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings, and in their public duties," she stated.

While Diana was a public figure doing her best to create a new generation of caring royals, she was also very relatable when it came to raising her boys, especially after she and her husband, Prince Charles, split in 1992. Although their divorce wasn't finalized until 1996, Diana spent the final years of her life as a single mother. 

Recently, iconic news anchor Katie Couric shared an interaction she had with the princess when they met just months before Diana's death.

Princess Diana once asked Katie Couric for parenting advice

According to Yahoo, Katie Couric is opening up about a meal she shared with Princess Diana back in 1996. Couric wrote about the meeting in her controversial new memoir, "Going There." In the book, the news anchor revealed that she was seated next to Diana during a luncheon, which Diana attended in hopes of raising funds for breast cancer research.

Couric revealed that she paid the princess a compliment to break the ice, and they were soon chatting about their children. The two women hit it off, and Diana even asked Couric for some parenting advice.

"How do you keep your children from watching too much telly?" Diana reportedly asked the TV personality. "I'm having a terrible time with William and Harry." Couric wrote that she told Diana to "hide the remote" from the boys.

Couric also shared that Diana confessed she wasn't looking forward to returning home to the UK because she would be "going home to an empty house," following her divorce from Prince Charles in August 1996. It seems that Diana is still so relatable as both a mother and a woman, who had to deal with issues such as infidelity, divorce, and single parenting.
