Royal Expert Reveals How Meghan Markle Saved Prince Harry From Himself

Prince Harry's life has certainly changed in dramatic ways since meeting Meghan Markle on a blind date in July 2016. Their whirlwind romance resulted in an engagement by November 2017 and a wedding just six months later on May 19, 2018 (via Town & Country). 

It all seemed like a fairytale, and, sometimes, it still does. While marriage and children (son Archie and daughter Lilibet) can change anyone's life on a monumental level, being raised royal and then leaving your royal duties behind for life in Southern California has yielded a life Harry never expected.

Perhaps meeting Meghan was just what Harry needed in his life as he had some tumultuous young adult years following the death of his mother, Princess Diana, when he was an adolescent. According to the Daily Mail, a young Harry caused a bit of a scandal when he was only 20 years old and arrived at a costume party dressed as a Nazi, something he later apologized for. 

Just four years before he met his future wife, Harry was also photographed in a Las Vegas hotel room party where he was wearing nothing but a necklace with what appeared to be a naked woman.

Now, it seems that meeting Meghan put Harry on the straight and narrow.

Meeting Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry's life in every way

Royal biographer Andrew Morton, who famously wrote "Diana: Her True Story" and more recently "Meghan and the Unmasking of the Monarchy," described Harry as a "very angry young man" who "didn't know which way to turn" before meeting Meghan Markle. During his "Podcast Royal," Morton painted a picture of a disturbed young man.

"He was stumbling out of bars disheveled and worse the wear for drink and he didn't seem to have a compass," Morton said. "He was struggling to find himself and struggling with the loss of his mother, struggling to come to terms with it and as a young man, he wasn't always the popular Harry of popular imagination."

However, meeting a woman who seemed to understand him and recognized he was troubled was the turnaround he needed, according to Morton. "I think even when she fell for Harry, she insisted that he went for counseling for the anger issues that he had," Morton said.
