The One Major Green Flag To Look For On A Date

Dating can be stressful. That's why top dating coach Matthew Hussey works to alleviate some of that stress and guide women toward finding love. According to his website, a one-stop shop for programs and podcasts appropriately called How To Get The Guy, Hussey wrote a best-selling book on the topic of dating and regularly holds live seminars for those looking to follow his advice.

Hussey is so passionate about improving the dating game for women because of his own experiences facing what he describes as a "lethal cocktail of shyness, introversion and a terrible fear of rejection." The dating coach then decided to change his approach. "If I don't overcome this, I will spend my entire life being chosen by people I don't want instead of choosing the people I do want," Hussey wrote of the shift. Resolving to become more confident, Hussey spent years perfecting the art of dating. Now a seasoned veteran and self-proclaimed dating expert, Hussey has gained a loyal following (and over one million followers on Instagram).

In addition to offering his services as a coach, Hussey frequently shares tips with the internet via social media. Recently, the love guru hopped on Tik Tok to share what, in his opinion, is the perfect green flag to look out for on a date.

Matthew Hussey has priceless advice for daters

In September, Matthew Hussey uploaded a video to his Tik Tok account to share a piece of advice with his followers, and tons of people seemed to love what he had to say. Appearing on the screen with well-groomed hair and a confident-yet-calm smile, Hussey details advice that is reminiscent of the classic childhood lesson: Treat others how you want to be treated. Ultimately, kindness is key according to the expert.

"When a guy on a date sees you being nice to people that you don't need to be nice to, it shows your true character," Hussey explains. He recommends small acts of kindness, such as offering a compliment to someone with whom you have a brief interaction or offering extra kindness to servers and bartenders. This is what Hussey considers a green flag. It also works, Hussey says, because it allows your date to "observe you without the pressure of interacting with you."

While Hussey speaks mainly to the perspective of a male on a date with the female, this perfect test of kindness applies to everyone. Next time you find yourself out on a first date, try offering a smile and a compliment to someone. You might just get a second date out of it.
