Why Elton John's Upcoming Tour Will Be His Last

Elton John has been a part of our musical culture for so long, it's hard to imagine a time when one of his songs wasn't playing somewhere. His long and illustrious career spans more than five decades and includes dozens of gold and platinum albums, five Grammys and 34 nominations, and the scores of three Broadway hits ("The Lion King," "Aida," and "Billy Elliot"). Oh, and he just so happens to have written the best-selling single in the history of music charts, with the rendition of "Candle in the Wind" he revised in memory of Princess Diana (via Guinness World Records).

With all these achievements under his belt, the Rocket Man doesn't have anything more to prove his place in music history. So, it's not surprising — though still sad — to learn that Sir Elton will stop going on the road once the final performances of his "Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour" wraps up in the spring of 2023. He recently told Carson Daly on the Today show that he wants to attend to higher priorities, such as spending more time with his 10- and 8-year-old sons. "They're going to be teenagers soon. I need to be with them," he told the outlet.

John added that his age and health also factored into his decision. He had to postpone the tour in September 2021 after suffering a hip injury in a fall and underwent surgery (via People). Noting that he will be 76 when the tour ends, he added, "I don't know how much time I have left on this earth after that. You know, I've had enough applause. I don't want to keep traveling. I don't want to be away from my family."

Elton John is focusing on studio work

Even though Sir Elton John won't be on the road for much longer, that doesn't mean he'll be stopping work altogether. During the pandemic, he created his latest project, "The Lockdown Sessions," an album of collaborations with artists as diverse as Miley Cyrus, Eddie Vedder, Stevie Nicks, Stevie Wonder, and Lil Nas X

John told NME that he enjoyed being able to perform a wide variety of musical styles. Indeed, he defies the tired stereotype of the boomer who believes the only worthwhile music is the style they grew up with. "I've never lost the desire to hear new music," he said. " I'm a traditional songwriter but I'm fascinated with the way people write songs now... Don't tell me these things aren't valid. If it's not your cup of tea, don't write it off as rubbish. If you don't understand it, fair enough, but don't knock it. It's fantastic stuff."

When he does go back on the road for the final time, John promises it will be a memorable swan song. "I'm going to go out in the biggest possible way, performing at my very best, with the most spectacular production I've ever had, playing in places that have meant so much to me throughout my career," he announced on his social media (via People). The grand finale will take place at the sure-to-be-packed Dodger Stadium in LA.
