What You Need To Know Before Watching Introducing Selma Blair

Selma Blair is a beloved actress. Blair is best known for her roles in "Cruel Intentions" and "Legally Blonde," but has been a pop culture icon for decades now (via Town and Country). One thing about the actress that has captivated her audience is her ability to be human. Many view actors and actresses as enigmas, but Blair has always kept her humanity.

That humanity was even further realized when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2018. She handled her diagnosis with grace and shared her experience with her fans to help normalize medical conditions as serious as MS.

While she hasn't been afraid to share her journey, according to Variety, it hasn't always been easy. "I was chronically a miserable person," she shared. "I was a loving person, but yeah: miserable, a bit sharp, a bit snarky, a bit angry that I had to get up and do things when I just chronically felt unwell."

Now, she is sharing her journey with chronic illness in an eye-opening documentary.

Blair gives a vulnerable look at battling a chronic illness

"Introducing, Selma Blair” is an inside look into living with MS. While the actress could have battled her illness privately, she courageously chose to document the journey (via Deadline). Before watching the documentary on Discovery+, you should know it is a vulnerable look at living with a serious illness. On why she chose to share her fight, she said, "It can be very isolating when you get some diagnosis, for some people. For me, it wasn't. It brought me out more," she then jokes, "Because before I just thought I was batshit [crazy]. Which could still be the case, but batshit openly with MS and being symptomatic at times."

While there is sadness involved in filming something like a serious and chronic illness, Blair's story has come to a happy ending. She shares, "My prognosis is great. I'm in remission," She continues, "Stem cells put me in remission. It took about a year after stem cells for the inflammation and lesions to really go down" (via People).
