Does The Latest Health Update Mean Princess Charlene Is Headed Home To Monaco?

It's not often that members of a royal family are kept away from their homes and families for months on end, but that's just what has happened to Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco. Hello! reported that she was pictured for the first time this week after she was taken into the hospital in September as a matter of emergency. People writes that since then, her husband, Prince Albert, said she was better and would return home from South Africa soon. Does the latest health update mean Princess Charlene will be heading back to Monaco?

Rumors of Princess Charlene's ill health started in August. However, Prince Albert told People that the rumors were "appalling" and incorrect. However, the publication wrote that Princess Charlene underwent a four-hour surgery on August 13 and re-entered the hospital in September.

The Daily Mail reported that it's a very serious sinus infection that has kept Princess Charlene in her native South Africa for six months. She arrived in May; the Independent explains that the initial purpose of her trip was the campaign for wildlife conservation and protection.

Still, there's been no official announcement that she'd be returning to Monaco.

She's missed her anniversary

During an interview with Radio Monte Carlo (quoted by Daily Mail), Prince Albert said that Princess Charlene was on the mend and that she would be returning home to be with him and their six-year-old twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, "very soon." He explained that she's "better. It's been very complicated for her because of how the different problems affected her." Daily Mail reported that as she's spent six months in and out of the hospital in South Africa, Princess Charlene missed her 10-year anniversary with Prince Albert as well as her children's first day of school.

Prior to her latest surgery, her foundation published a statement. It read, "Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco will be placed under general anesthetics for her final procedure taking place today. The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation wishes her the best with this final operation and her recovery process."

Express notes that Princess Charlene's trip was initially supposed to last two weeks, during which she would raise awareness of illegal poaching. However, she reportedly developed an ear, nose, and throat infection following preparatory dental work.

Prior to the announcement of her latest surgery, Prince Albert seemed positive that Princess Charlene would be returning to Monaco promptly. He told People, "I know she's said possibly 'late October' but that was before this most recent round of appointments. I'm pretty sure we can cut that time frame a little short."
