Princess Margaret's Friend Reveals What The Queen's Younger Sister Was Really Like

Renowned British artist Derek Boshier enjoyed a close relationship with the late Princess Margaret, and speaking in an interview with The Telegraph, Boshier opened up about what the queen's younger sister was really like. 

Per The Daily Mail, Boshier first became friends with Princess Margaret through her photographer husband, Antony Armstrong Jones, Earl of Snowdon. Discussing what he remembered of Margaret's personality traits, the artist explained how the late royal's mood could often change within an instant, revealing that she would be "friendly with you one second but cold the next."

Boshier also recalled one night he spent with Princess Margaret and her husband in the 1960s. Speaking to The Telegraph, he claimed that a party hosted by the princess ended with guests passing around a marijuana joint. "Those were good times," Boshier told the publication. 

However, Boshier isn't the only one to have shared details of his interactions with Princess Margaret as of late. 

Others have opened up about their experiences with Princess Margaret

During a separate interview with The Telegraph, published just one day after Boshier's, the respected British sports commentator Henry Blofeld also reflected on an experience he had with the late royal, which he described as his "most embarrassing moment."

Blofeld revealed to the newspaper that he met the queen's younger sister in the 1970s, during a dinner with the prime minister of Barbados, Errol Barrow. It was during that dinner when Blofeld said he made the faux pas of addressing the royal before she had addressed him (via The Daily Mail).

"I merely said that her husband had been in the same house as my brother at school and they were approximately the same age," Blofeld said. "She told me, more or less, that I should wait until I was spoken to. You don't ask royalty questions; they talk to you and you answer them. She gave me a dressing-down then. It was quite an embarrassing moment." 
