Bombshell Book Claims Melania Trump Used This Nickname For Ivanka And Jared

In just a few days, former White House aide Stephanie Grisham will be divulging a few interesting secrets about former President Donald Trump and his family in her memoir, "I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump White House." Grisham first became involved with the Trump family in 2015 when she began working on the presidential campaign. When the Trump family moved into the White House, she assumed the role of press secretary for former First Lady, Melania Trump. She was then promoted to become the White House press secretary from June 2019 to April 2020, though she became a bit infamous for never holding a public press briefing throughout her tenure, per CNN. Eventually, after serving as Melania's Chief of Staff in 2020 and a portion of 2021, Grisham resigned and left the White House behind.

Many of the stunning revelations revealed in Grisham's new memoir involve the inner workings of the Trump family and prove to be the most interesting to the public (at least thus far). Grisham reveals especially intimate details about Melania in the book — and she isn't the first to do so in a tell-all memoir. According to The New York Times, a former friend and senior advisor to Melania, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, revealed not-so-nice details about the former First Lady in her 2020 memoir, "Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady." One of those details revealed that, as her jacket once alluded, she actually does not care.

Melania calls Ivanka and Jared "interns"

In her memoir, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham seems to shed at least a bit of light on former First Lady Melania Trump's strange behavior while living in the White House in her new memoir. As reports, Grisham reveals that Melania seemed to handle the news of her husband's affair with Stormy Daniels with sly ease, tweeting a photo of herself next to a handsome military aide and refusing to hold hands with her husband during public appearances.

Grisham's book, "I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump White House," also contained quite a bit of content about former President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his daughter, Ivanka Trump. According to Politico, Grisham wrote that she and Melania often referred to the couple as the "interns," as they "represented in our minds obnoxious, entitled know-it-alls." In the book, Grisham provided an example of their attitude. On March 11, 2020, just as the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus was beginning to dawn on health agencies around the world, Kushner and Ivanka demanded that the former president give an Oval Office address on the pandemic that very day. 

According to Grisham, the frantic mayhem that ensued led the former president to get many facts about the virus and its impact wrong during his speech. This botched speech is just one of many Ivanka and Kushner-led missions that Grisham believes paved way for Donald's unsuccessful reelection campaign.
