Royal Expert Shares New Details About Meghan Markle's Wedding Tiara Controversy

A royal expert has shared new details about Meghan Markle's wedding tiara controversy. According to Express, the author of "Meghan: A Hollywood Princess," Andrew Morton, has added six brand new chapters to his best-selling book and claimed that the behavior of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prior to their 2018 wedding caused friction between themselves and Queen Elizabeth

Writing for The Times, Morton discussed how Markle had allegedly thrown a "tiara tantrum" ahead of her wedding ceremony at Windsor Castle. "In November 2018, just days after the couple returned from their successful tour Down Under, The Times reported that Meghan had thrown a 'tiara tantrum.' This was shortly before her wedding. The episode was because the tiara she wanted to wear was not available," he wrote. 

Morton went on to claim that the Duchess' "prima-donna behavior" is thought to have "earned a rebuke from the Queen" herself. "The Queen then told Harry, 'she gets what tiara she's given by me,'" he added in the piece. 

Prince Harry and Prince William released a joint statement about some of Morton's claims

The author also claimed in his article for The Times that Prince Harry became irritated whenever Meghan failed to get her own way and revealed that the queen's dresser, Angela Kelly, became involved in the situation and "is said to have informed the irate Prince that certain security protocols had to be adhered to in order to access the priceless piece" (via The Mirror).

Per Express, the royal expert went on to claim that Prince Harry stuck up for his wife-to-be at every turn in the run-up to their big day, and reportedly told those around him that "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets."

Writing for The Times, Morton further disclosed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex fell victim to Prince William's alleged "bullying" attitude. However, the royal siblings later dismissed the claims in a rare joint statement.

"Despite clear denials, a false story ran in a UK newspaper today speculating about the relationship between The Duke of Sussex and The Duke of Cambridge. For brothers who care so deeply about the issues surrounding mental health, the use of inflammatory language in this way is offensive and potentially harmful," the statement read (via Express).
