The Surprising Detail You Didn't Know About Lindsey Graham's Career As A Senator

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been a successful and outspoken member of congress since 1994, making a name for himself not long after he was elected to the House of Representatives, when he became a vocal proponent of impeaching then-President Bill Clinton (via USA Today). He eventually made his way into the Senate, forging a famous friendship with the late Senator John McCain, and throwing his hat in the ring for a presidential run himself in 2015 when Donald Trump emerged as the eventual Republican nominee out of an uber-crowded primary field.

During his time in Congress, Graham also served in the United States Air Force Reserves, retiring in 2015. He was a military attorney before he ever decided to run for office (via The Washington Post). Still, with all the duties of being a Senator, a presidential candidate, and even an Air Force reservist, there is one thing Graham had never done in his career (as of 2015) that seems unfathomable in this 21st-century world.

Lindsey Graham may never have a scandal like Hillary Clinton

As of this writing, Lindsey Graham serves as the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on the Budget, while also being a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (via his Senate Bio). That makes him a busy senator dealing with important topics that affect the American people on a daily basis, but as of 2015 he had yet to use one of the world's greatest technological advances that makes communication a breeze — he had never sent out an email.

Of course, this confession was made at the height of the Hillary Clinton email scandal that developed after the world learned she had been using a private email server as secretary of state. When NBC's Chuck Todd asked Graham if he had ever used a private server, the senator had to admit the truth. "I don't email. No, you can have every email I've ever sent. I've never sent one," Graham admitted (via NPR).

The report did point out that Graham doesn't completely live in another time and era; he does at least use a cell phone.
