Prince William Reveals The Silly Prank That Would Get Prince Philip In Trouble With The Queen

The life of the Duke of Edinburgh is the subject of the brand new BBC documentary, "Prince Philip: The Royal Family Remembers." The special program airs on Wednesday, September 22 in the United Kingdom, and was originally created to mark the senior royal's 100th birthday. However, following the death of Prince Philip in April 2021, the premise of the royal doc was promptly repurposed

The documentary features interviews from some of the most senior members of the British monarchy, including the Duke's four children, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, and the Earl of Wessex. Also included are Prince Philip's grandchildren, the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, and Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall (via the BBC). 

In a teaser clip released on Twitter ahead of the new documentary, Prince William shares some of his favorite memories of his late grandfather, including a silly prank involving mustard that would often get the Duke of Edinburgh in trouble with Queen Elizabeth. 

Queen Elizabeth did not appreciate Prince Philip's prank

As the Daily Mail reported, the Duke of Cambridge reveals in the clip that while enjoying barbecues at the family's Balmoral estate, Prince Philip would sometimes ask his grandchildren to hold a bottle of mustard in their hands before removing the lid.

"He would squish your hands together to fire the mustard up into the ceiling," Prince Williams recalls, adding, "'He used to get into a lot of trouble with my grandmother for covering most of the places where we had lunch with mustard on the ceiling." Reflecting on the same memory, the future king's cousin, Peter Philips, goes on to reveal how the mustard stains can still be found on the ceilings of royal residencies to this day.

Per the BBC, Prince William also discusses his late grandfather's love of barbecuing in greater detail throughout the documentary. "Every barbecue that I have ever been on, the Duke of Edinburgh has been there cooking." The Duke continues, "He adored barbecuing. ... He turned that into an interesting art form."
