Jasmine Roth Reveals Details About The New Season Of Help! I Wrecked My House - Exclusive

In the immortal words of Jasmine Roth, "I think anybody that's worked on their house has had that project where it didn't go right. I mean, I'm sure it's happened to you. It's happened to all of us." That sentiment, as expressed by Roth to Women Lifestyle in an exclusive interview, is the basis for her HGTV show "Help! I Wrecked My House." Now beginning its second season, the reality renovation show depicts Roth as she saves homeowners whose DIY intentions literally wrecked their homes. And, when compared to Season 1, Season 2 is bigger, badder, and much higher stakes.

"Sixteen and a half million people watched Season 1, and so going into Season 2, there were so many families that reached out to us, and they were like, literally, 'Help, I wrecked my house,'" Roth said. "This season is all about picking the houses ... that they had literally wrecked their houses to such an extent that we were like, 'Okay, we have to do this project.'" But besides more intense projects, what can viewers expect to see on the new season of "Help! I Wrecked My House"?

Jasmine Roth broke her ankle while filming Season 2 of Help! I Wrecked My House

Jasmine Roth is no stranger to hard work. In fact, as she told Women Lifestyle, the "Help! I Wrecked My House" team did "eight houses in 90 days" for Season 2. But, hard work aside, things didn't go entirely as planned. In fact, Roth broke her ankle in the middle of filming. "I was helping my clients clean up the trash that was in their front yard, and I actually stepped on a piece of trash and broke my ankle," she explained. "And I didn't realize it at the time. I was just like, 'Oh, that really hurt. I think I sprained my ankle a little,' and I tied my boot a little tighter. We just kept filming."

Despite her broken ankle, Roth pushed through the rest of filming for Season 2. "It was a challenge," she told us. "I do not recommend breaking your ankle. I still have an ankle brace on." But, true to form, Roth used her accident as a lesson to would-be renovators. "Just one more reason to be really careful and realize that when you're doing construction, it's dangerous," she stated. Roth also said that searching for her broken ankle on screen throughout the season can be a fun activity for viewers. She joked, "Viewers can look out for and be like, 'Is her ankle broken here? Is it not broken here?'"

Jasmine Roth gives some tough love on this season on Help! I Wrecked My House

Jasmine Roth is an incredibly sweet, petite blond woman with a winning smile. But don't be fooled by her cute exterior — when it comes to safety and home renovation, she's tough. In fact, viewers are going to see some of her tough love on the new season of "Help! I Wrecked My House." "The first episode has already aired ...I had people texting me like, 'Jas, you're mean this season,'" Roth told Women Lifestyle. "I was like, 'I'm mean?' I was like, 'I don't have a mean bone in my body.'" As her friends explained, Roth was being tough on clients and "not letting them off the hook" when it comes to doing a renovation right.

"Being a parent changes the way you think about things," Roth explained. "When I see a house that's not safe and I see people that put themselves in that situation, I felt responsible to let them know." But she doesn't stop there. Roth also makes sure to give her clients — and viewers — helpful advice on how they can avoid unsafe situations in the future. As for her "meanness"? She said, "I'm still nice, but I'm definitely a little bit more stern and a little bit more, I don't know, intentional with just making sure that people understand."

"Help! I Wrecked My House" airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on HGTV and is now streaming on discovery+.
