Why Meghan Markle's Father Has A Problem With Her Time Magazine Cover

Meghan Markle and her father, Thomas Markle, don't have a relationship, and haven't since 2018. During her sit-down interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired back on March 7, Meghan explained the reason that she no longer speaks to her dad. Meghan told Oprah that her father had lied to her about his relationship with the press, and so she decided to stop talking to him — to ensure the safety of her family, according to People magazine. 

Since that time, Thomas has continued giving interviews and talking to the press in hopes of getting his daughter's attention. "Bottom line is I've never heard back from Meghan or Harry in any way shape or form," Thomas said on Good Morning Britain, according to CBS News. "When they say I'm taking advantage of the press, basically what I do is, I do a story for the press. If I don't hear from them in 30 days, then I do another story for the press," he explained. Despite claiming to have apologized "100 times," Thomas has not gotten a response from Meghan — or from Prince Harry. He's also never met his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet Diana.

In September, Time magazine named Meghan and Harry as two of their most influential people of the year — and Thomas has shared his feelings on it.

Meghan Markle's dad doesn't seem to agree with Time's opinion of his daughter

Paparazzi caught up with Thomas Markle at a magazine stand in Los Angeles, California, according to Fox News. As he browsed the shelves, he chose a magazine to purchase, and walked back to his car. Someone carrying a video camera asked Thomas why he didn't pick up a copy of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People of 2021." Thomas responded, "Well that is only Time magazine's opinion, there are far more influential people, like the queen," Fox reported. 

Thomas got into his nearby car and started flipping through a magazine that he did end up buying, according to the video posted by Fox News. He opened to a page that showed a photo of Meghan, Harry, and baby Archie. The videographer, perhaps thinking that was a picture of Lilibet Diana, asked Thomas how it felt to see his granddaughter for the first time. "Well, she's beautiful. That's all I can say. Very beautiful," Thomas responded, looking at the photo in the magazine. 

Harry and Meghan have not yet released the first photo of their daughter, who was born on June 4. 
