I Love A Mama's Boy: Is There's A Ring In Mike And Stephanie's Future? - Exclusive

TLC's "I Love a Mama's Boy" follows mama's boys, their mothers, and the women who love them as they navigate the challenges that come with that unique situation. After all, it can't be easy to be in a relationship with a guy who has an overbearing mom — nor can it be easy to be a mom whose little boy is growing up and leaving the nest. But, as Season 2 of "I Love a Mama's Boy" depicts, it's not all challenges all the time. There's also a lot of love and support — as with couple Stephanie and Mike, and Mike's mom Liz. "We're strong with each other and for each other," Liz said of the trio in an exclusive interview with Women Lifestyle. "... We do have so much more positive than negative. And [negativity is] going to happen no matter what ...But in the long run that doesn't let it affect us at all as a family."

It's interesting how she used the word "family." Could she be hinting that Stephanie will soon be more than just Mike's girlfriend? Is there a ring in Mike and Stephanie's future?

Mike reveals when fans can expect a proposal

Who doesn't love a reality TV wedding? Lucky for "I Love a Mama's Boy" fans, there might be one coming soon for Mike and Stephanie. But probably not as soon as they would like. When Women Lifestyle asked Mike if there's a ring in Stephanie's future, he responded, "I think we're going to have to wait to see how Season 2 plays out. I would love to give you the answer that the fans want to hear and I'm not saying it's not in the back of my mind, but I think that's a little too jumping ahead before we let this premiere."

However, before fans get too disappointed, the reality star did add one caveat: "I'm a very spontaneous guy. I might wake up one morning and just decide it's the right day." Wouldn't that be a wonderful TV moment? Liz agrees, as long as, like she told Women Lifestyle, "Mom knows first." The wedding bells might start ringing at any moment ...

What does the future hold for Mike, Stephanie, and Liz?

Beyond a ring — and hopefully a big, white, TLC wedding — what does the future hold for Mike, Stephanie, and Liz? While the trio might not always agree on everything, one thing they all have in common is a desire for a happy future together. "My ideal future would obviously look like us all getting along perfectly happy, because that's obviously very important. Family's the most important thing in our lives," Stephanie told Women Lifestyle. "We've been through a lot, through a pandemic, through working together, living together, all of it, this show. And my ideal future is that we would all just hopefully this ends in a happy family with kids and grandkids for Liz." 

Mike and Liz definitely agree, as Liz added, "Whatever the future holds, I just want us to all get closer in time as it goes on."

Whether or not that happens, Stephanie, Mike, Liz, and "I Love a Mama's Boy" are sure to be very entertaining along the way.

"I Love a Mama's Boy" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on TLC.
