Acetaminophen Vs Ibuprofen: Which Is Better For A Hangover

Who hasn't enjoyed a fabulous night out with friends, only to have the festivities overshadowed by a heinous hangover the next day? Instead of completing your Sunday to-do list, you're stuck cocooning under a fluffy comforter, watching a "Real Housewives" marathon and eating the greasiest fast food known to man. But we're here to tell you that skipping the hangover is possible!

Hangovers are caused by a number of factors, including dehydration, low blood sugar, and acetaldehyde, a by-product produced by alcohol (via Very Well Mind). Dehydration happens due to an increase in urine production. (Which explains why you had to maneuver taking your bodysuit on and off upwards what felt like a hundred times in the bar bathroom.) In addition, certain alcoholic drinks can hinder glucose production, decreasing extra glucose reserves stored in the liver. This leads to low blood sugar, resulting in fatigue, weakness, and mood disturbances. Finally, the severity of your hangover is directly correlated to how quickly your body can break down acetaldehyde. It does this using alcohol metabolites ADH and ALDH.

But once you're in the throes of hangover-induced nausea and migraines, the science of chemical compounds doesn't exactly stimulate the senses. So, how can you alleviate the pain from last night? Before reaching into your medicine cabinet for some relief, be sure to consider your symptoms.

Tylenol taken with alcohol can cause liver damage

Tylenol, a.k.a. acetaminophen, is an over-the-counter medication used to relieve pain. But doctors aren't too keen on patients using Tylenol to battle hangover headaches. Just like alcohol, Tylenol is metabolized in the liver, and using both at once ups users' chances of liver damage. Instead, doctors recommend treating hangovers with ibuprofen (via Hangover Hospital). 

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to help with symptoms like muscle inflammation and headaches, which often come with a typical hangover. The only instances in which you should steer clear of ibuprofen when treating a hangover is if you're experiencing nausea or abdominal pain. This is because ibuprofen has been linked to causing stomach ulcers, perforations, and gastrointestinal bleeding. 

And if you prefer the holistic tract instead of meds, Healthline recommends drinking a glass of water between each alcoholic drink to combat dehydration and/or taking supplements like prickly pear, red ginseng, and ginger. Good luck, and happy drinking!
