At What Temperature Should You Really Be Drinking Red Wine At?

Considering that a bottle of wine is often something you'll crack open at the end of a busy week to relax, there are a lot of expert opinions surrounding how you should drink it. It's been suggested that the glass you drink from and how the bottle has been kept can impact the taste of your wine, and the temperature you should be really drinking red wine at can make all the difference. It can be hard to moderate the temperature precisely in your home. However, there may be a huge misconception associated with red wine.

Wineware explained that the temperature that you serve wine at is often overlooked. However, it can be crucial in releasing the full taste and aroma of red wines. As a general rule, they suggested taking the red wine out and uncorking the bottle at least half an hour before you serve it. This will give it time to breathe.

Decanter explained that the temperature of your wine can be a key factor in how it tastes, and even if you've got the temperature perfect when you pore it, it's likely to change. Master sommelier Xavier Rousset told Decanter, "I can't recall the last time I used a thermometer. The temperature of wine rises dramatically in the glass ... The hardest thing by far is to maintain the correct temperature throughout the time of consumption."

There are misconceptions as to what temperature red wine should be served at

Bon Appétit noted that there's a misconception that red wine should be served at room temperature and kept out of the fridge in your kitchen. If you thought this was the case, then you're absolutely not alone. However, the publication wrote that generally speaking, room temperature is normally touching on 70˚ Fahrenheit. Wineware explained that red wine should actually be consumed at about 60˚ Fahrenheit.

Serving red wine that has been stored in your kitchen can taste too thick and soupy. However, you don't need to buy a thermometer specifically for your wine. Feel the temperature of the room and then establish that you want your wine just slightly cooler than that. An easy way to achieve that, explained Vine Pair, is putting your bottle of wine in the fridge for around an hour before you uncork it. Then take it out and let it sit for a period before pouring it. If your guests will be with you sooner, you can put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Usual Wines explained that deeper, fuller-bodied wines can be served warmer than lighter, fruity wines. And if you live in a hot place, you should consider finding a spot for your wines that's dark, cool, and dry to ensure that you can monitor the temperature and the bottles don't ruin.
