The Kennedy Grandchildren Have Grown Up To Be Gorgeous

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The Kennedys are the closest thing to royalty we have in America, and it looks like the famous family will stay in the public eye through its next generation. Now, the grandchildren of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy are starting to go out on their own and make a difference in the world in their own way. Some have already made their mark in their careers, while others have gained media attention for not-so-positive reasons, including one devastating tragedy. Though, many of the Kennedy grandchildren may have never even crossed your radar. Here are some some things you didn't know about the Kennedy grandchildren.

Rose Schlossberg: The comedian Kennedy grandchild

Caroline Kennedy was the only child of JFK to have children — she had three after marrying Edwin Schlossberg in 1986. The eldest of the JFK grandchildren, Rose Schlossberg graduated from Harvard with a degree in English and got her Masters in the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.

Outside of being known for looking a lot like her grandmother, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, Schlossberg is also a comedian. According to Mashable, she wrote a web series for Above Average Productions — an all-digital project of Lorne Michaels'. The series is called End Times Girls Club, a satirical look at beauty and makeup tutorials... which happens to be set during the apocalypse.

Schlossberg told Mashable about her inspiration: "It came up as a response to seeing the way that New York responded to Hurricane Sandy, and how people were grossly underprepared — specifically, girls in damsel in distress mode," said Schlossberg. "I thought it would be interesting to create this world where girls have to be survivalists without compromising their cute factor."

Tatiana Schlossberg: The journalist and climate change advocate Kennedy grandchild

Middle daughter of Caroline Kennedy, Tatiana Schlossberg, wasted no time in cementing her career. After graduating Yale, Schlossberg got an internship with the New York Times, which quickly lead to a job. She worked as an environmental reporter for the science section of the legendary city paper until July 2017, shortly before she got married. As of late 2018, she's writing a book about climate change.

Though Schlossberg may not be pursuing an overtly political career, there's still a political slant in her work. Some of her articles for the Times include: "Trump Has Choices to Make on Climate Policy. What Would You Do?" and "Feeling a Chill? Blame the Polar Vortex. And Global Warming." Though her job as a reporter is not to inject her opinion, it's clear that she doesn't let the political climate get in the way of scientific, environmental facts.

Jack Schlossberg started making his mark as a Kennedy grandchild in the 8th grade

Jack Schlossberg has been making his mark from a very young age. In eighth grade he co-founded a group called ReLight New York, which aimed to provide lighting in low income housing. While at Yale, People reported that Schlossberg hosted the Profile in Courage Award in 2014, and presented an award to President George H. W. Bush, praising the Republican, despite Schlossberg's own Democratic leanings. "His decision to put country above party and political prospects makes him an example of a modern profile in courage that is all too rare," said Schlossberg in his speech.

Lauren Bush Lauren, Bush's granddaughter who accepted the award on her grandfather's behalf, sang Schlossberg's praises according to People's coverage of the event. Also, Kennedy Library Foundation chair Ken Feinberg had many kind words to say about the motivated young Kennedy. "When Jack is not writing op-eds for our honorees for USA Today and the Huffington Post, he writes for the Yale Herald and serves as a volunteer EMT. He is also our newest member of the Profile in Courage Award Committee." Feinberg continued, "And like his grandfather, he is no shrinking violet and let all of us know — including the chair — exactly what he thought about generational gaps, gender and diversity."

Joe Kennedy III is the grandchild following in his grandfather's footsteps

Robert F. Kennedy had 11 children, and tons of grandkids to carry on his legacy. Joe Kennedy III is the one most closely following in his footsteps as he was elected to Massachusetts' fourth Congressional district in 2012. In Congress, he doesn't to ride the coattails of his family name. His colleagues consider him a very hard worker and he goes out of his way to hear the points of view of Democrats and Republicans alike.

When asked by Boston magazine about the pressures of politics with such a famous name, Kennedy replied, "I grew up around politics. My dad was in office. It was something that interested me in college." He explained, "People think my family pushed me into running for office. The person who pushed me most not to run for office was my father. He said, 'If you don't want to do this, it is going to be an absolutely brutal experience for you. So make sure that this is something that you yourself want to do and not some sort of invented idea of obligation.' And that's some of the best advice I've ever gotten."

Matthew Rauch Kennedy left politics altogether

Joe Kennedy III's twin, Matthew Rauch Kennedy, stays a little more behind the scenes in the political world. After studying business at Stanford and Harvard, Boston Globe reported that he advised his brother's campaign.

Though Matthew Kennedy is just as hardworking as his twin brother, he's known to have a little more fun. As the oldest of the two by eight minutes, that was the "Greatest eight minutes of my life,” Matthew told the Boston Globe. "It's all been downhill from there.” A former classmate of the brothers, Peter Munzig said, "Joe keeps things on track. Matt makes sure Joe has fun.” At an Obama fundraiser, he spoke about "which Kennedy he was" making fun of the fact that he and the rest of his family are often interchangeable to the public. Matthew ended up leaving politics altogether and became a partner at InfraLinx Capital.

Michaela Kennedy Cuomo brought awareness to sexual assault with some saucy tees

Michaela Cuomo is part of two big political families, this granddaughter of RFK and daughter of New York State governor Andrew Cuomo. Though she's young, Cuomo has already delved into activism. When Cuomo wanted to raise money for sexual assault awareness, she designed and sold shirts with all the profits going to charity.

Though the tees were a little saucy, saying "My having a good a** does not give you a right to be one," you have to admit it's a spot-on recrimination of casual sexual discrimination and assault. Hopefully, that shirt isn't the last.

Mariah and Cara Kennedy Cuomo are working impressive, albeit regular, jobs

Twins and elder sisters of Michaela, Mariah and Cara Cuomo are attending Ivy League schools, like most good Kennedys do. Mariah graduated from Brown University and held internships at CNN and Apple. According to her Linkedin profile she is the "Digital strategist for Fortune 500 executives and companies at Teneo."

Cara Cuomo has a strong athletic record from her days at Deerfield Academy where she lettered in field hockey, water polo, and skiing where she served as a Captain. Cuomo lead her school to two NEPSSC Class A championships. She then graduated from Harvard, where she was on the Varsity Sailing team and founding campus editor of Change Magazine. At the time of publishing, she listed on her Linkedin profile that she is an associate at 17 Asset Management.

Seeing as both girls have resumes listed on Linkedin, it's evident that they're ready to work hard and get jobs the old fashion way, rather than relying on their family name.

Robert (Bobby) Kennedy III is one of the artistic grandkids

Oldest child of RFK Jr. and his first wife Emily Black, Robert Kennedy III (who goes by Bobby) has taken to the artistic side of life rather than the political. He's a writer/director/producer and made the documentary ELEW: Live from Infinity about the musician Eric Lewis. According to Westword, he got a grant in December 2016 to make a film called Freak Power, about Hunter S.Thompson's run for sheriff in Pitkin County, Colo. in 1970. Filming for the production started in September 2018.

Westword recounted Kennedy III's pitch of the film to the Colorado Economic Development Commission,"It's sort of this ridiculous small-town political story. It's got a lot of issues, and it's kind of a parable for American politics writ large right now. I think it's going to get people really pumped up about local politics — especially people from my generation, who are kind of cut out from that right now. I just really want to motivate a lot of young twenty- and thirty-year-olds to get back to voting and running for office. That's sort of the goal of this film."

Kathleen Kick Kennedy is an actress, philanthropist, and a self-proclaimed cat-lady

Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy is another artist in the family. Daughter of RJK Jr. and his first wife Emily Black, she's an actress and philanthropist who's appeared on Gossip Girl and Newsroom, though she doesn't appear to have any credits since 2014. Despite her prior New York actor's life, she insists she's not a party girl. When the New York Post asked her about how she spent her rocking New Year's Eve back in 2014, Kennedy replied, "Like a cat lady! I fell asleep around 10:30. New Year's in New York is difficult unless you have a plan. I'd just gotten into town, and at 5 p.m. I gave up and decided to watch Modern Family." That sounds like a pretty fine New Year's Eve to us!

At the time of publishing, Kennedy lists her current occupation on Linkedin as the engagement director at Kennedy for Illinois. She has also worked in publishing since 2015 as the contributing editor at Town and Country Magazine.

Kyra LeMoyne Kennedy made headlines for poor behavior

Kyra LeMoyne Kennedy, daughter of Mary Kennedy and RFK Jr., has had a lot of drama in her life. Sadly, she's made headlines for poor behavior more often than her aspirational cousins. After being refused entry to a club because she was underage, the then 19-year-old reportedly said "I am a Kennedy, Google me. If you don't let me in, the governor will be calling."

By 20, Kennedy got into hot water again in a cyber bullying scandal. After a Allie Jones, a New York Magazine blogger, wrote some less than stellar remarks about Kennedy and her friends' rich-life Instagram accounts, Kennedy posted "I can play games too b****" as a comment on a photo of Jones on Instagram. Kennedy's father reportedly banned Kyra from social media as punishment for her bullying behavior.

Though Kyra Kennedy may seem to be acting out, she's had a traumatic life. Her mother, Mary, committed suicide when Kyra was only 16. Dealing with so much tragedy while the story is splashed about in the news would be hard for any teenager to handle.

Conor Kennedy is quite accomplished, but you probably know him for his fling with this celeb

Son of RFK Jr. and Mary Kennedy, Conor Kennedy has been seen at White House protests and is an environmental activist. He's worked with Ocean Alliance, a group dedicated to saving the whales.

Kennedy's name has come up in the tabloids a few times for his brief relationship with Taylor Swift in 2012. He was just 18, but took Swift to meet the family. When People interviewed his grandmother Ethel Kennedy about the relationship, she approved wholeheartedly. They asked if Conor was falling for Swift and Ethel Kennedy replied, "Yes! How could you not? I think the world has."

The relationship didn't last, but Conor was back in the headlines for an unfortunate reason. In 2016, he was arrested for getting into a bar fight in Aspen, Colorado. He apologized for the fight, though he claimed he was only standing up for a friend who was called a derogatory name. As of 2019, his Linkedin profile indicates that he is the founder and director of administration at Deerfield Foods, a non-profit organization aimed at providing Massachusetts residents healthy meals at a low cost. 

Aidan and William Finbar Finn Kennedy are growing up so fast

The youngest children of RFK Jr. and Mary Kennedy, Aidan and Finn are a bit too young to make names for themselves just yet. Though, Aidan is a big sports fan and accidentally got Cheryl Hines into trouble. Hines was dating Robert Kennedy Jr. after his split from Mary, and, according to the New York Post, she tweeted "Rabid, unhinged New England zealotry by 10-yr.-old Aidan Kennedy has nearly turned me into Pats fan."

Though it all seemed innocuous, in hindsight, it seems a bit insensitive considering Mary committed suicide a few weeks after Hines' happy family tweets. Hines and Kennedy married in 2014 and the family seems to be trying to move forward from the tragedy.

At the time of publishing, Finn indicated on his Linkedin profile that he interned at Morgan Stanley in the summer of 2017 and Bailey Capital in 2018. He lists his current position as analyst at Bailey Capital. He's set to graduate from Brown University in 2020 with a Bachelor's degree in History.

Kyle Francis, Rory, and Michael LeMoyne Kennedy Jr. suffered a painful tragedy

The children of Michael LeMoyne Kennedy are all impressive graduates. Kyle graduated from Harvard and Georgetown, while Michael Kennedy Jr. went to Stanford and Georgetown, where he got his MBA.

Last but not least, Rory Kennedy graduated from Georgetown and is a freelance writer and photographer. She married David DiCamillo, a director in the credit finance department of Citibank, who was initially impressed with Rory's skills at the gym. After their meeting on the treadmill and bonding over their rescue dog, DiCamillo proposed on his birthday. Dicamillo gave the New York Times a slightly controlling statement about his proposal, "How could she refuse me?" he said. "It was my birthday, and she was my gift." Hopefully, he only treats Kennedy like an object in the Times and not in real life.

These Kennedys are also victims of tragedy. According to the New York Times, they all witnessed their father die in a skiing accident. The Times states that they were playing a game of "ski football," a Kennedy tradition, and while Rory was recording the fun, their dad crashed into a tree and died from a head injury. His children had to cope with horrible loss, and seem to be leaving the sorrows in the past in order to give themselves a bright future.

Maeve, Kerry, Katherine, and Meaghan Anne Townsend are the definition of strong, fierce Kennedy women

The daughters of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, have all lead interesting lives. Maeve, the eldest of the group, moved to Mozambique with the Peace Corps right after college. In 2011, she gave birth to Gideon Kennedy McKean, Robert F Kennedy's first great-grandchild.

Katherine told Glamour, "We four Townsend girls competed about everything. Grades. Sports. Who could be loudest at the dinner table." Toughness is clearly in their genes. Their mother, Kathleen Townsend told The Atlantic about birthing three of her girls at home. When she was in labor with Katherine, she walked about the house and even watched the entire film version of Taming of the Shrew. Kathleen told The Atlantic, "I liked Elizabeth Taylor's character so much that I decided to change my new daughter's first name from Rose to Katherine."

Meaghan told Glamour that she went to Harvard thinking she'd study law or medicine, but her life changed when she started taking yoga. According to Glamour, she's a yoga instructor in LA. The youngest, Kerry, told Glamour, "I became responsible early; I started making my own lunch in kindergarten," explaining that her mom was lieutenant governor and wasn't around as much. Now, she's apparently studying medicine at George Washington University and interned at the White House Office of Health Reform.

Anthony Boru Kennedy made headlines at two days old

The children of Douglas Harriman Kennedy and Molly Stark are all a little too young to be taking on the world stage, except for Anthony, who got into the papers at two days old. Douglas Kennedy was charged with child endangerment and physical harassment when he tried to take his newborn son, Anthony for a walk outside the hospital room. The nurses claim he physically harmed them and fell during his attempt to leave the room. Though Kennedy's fall didn't harm the baby, the nurses counted it as child endangerment in court. Kennedy was acquitted of all charges.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill is one more absolutely tragic Kennedy death to add to the list

Saoirse is the only child of Courtney Kennedy Hill. While at the boarding school Deerfield Academy, Hill wrote about her struggle with depression and mental health. She talks about a sexual assault from a friend that lead to a suicide attempt. When Hill returned for her senior year after treatment, she felt the lack of communication about her mental illness to be very strange and unsettling.

"Deerfield is one of the top educational institutions in the country, yet no one seems to know how to talk about mental illness. People talk about cancer freely; why is it so difficult to discuss the effects of depression, bi-polar, anxiety, or schizophrenic disorders?" wrote Hill in an article for The Deerfield Scroll. Thankfully, Hill used her difficulties with depression to reach out to others and create a more open environment to discuss mental illness.

Sadly, tragedy struck on August 1, 2019, when 22-year-old Hill was found unresponsive at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port; soon after, she was pronounced dead at Cape Cod hospital. The Boston Globe reported on August 4 that her death remains under investigation and a toxicology report is underway. The New York Times reported that her death was a result of a suspected overdose according to sources close to the family.

The Kennedy name will live on

The list thus far has been quite a family tree — and there are even more Kennedy grandchildren we've left out

Matthew Maxwell Taylor Kennedy has kids Summer, Noah, and Max Kennedy Jr., while Douglas Harriman Kennedy and Molly Stark also have Mary McCauley, Riley, and Rowen Francis Kennedy. Rory Kennedy has Georgia, Bridget and Zachary Kennedy-Bailey, and Christopher Kennedy and Sheila Sinclair-Berner's family is rounded out by Katherine, Clare, Sarah, and Christopher Kennedy Jr. All those kids are either too young to take the spotlight, or they've simply led normal private lives, but who knows what triumphs may come their way in the future.

Though the family has dealt with tragedy, there's a lot of bright stars amongst the huge Kennedy clan. Despite any new hardships that come up along the way, it looks like we'll all have Kennedys within our arts, politics, and governments for years to come.
