Inside Meghan And Harry's Mansion In Montecito

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved to California in early 2020, just after stepping back as senior members of the royal family, it seemed the whole world was atwitter with speculation as to why and how this move would play out. At the time, a nameless source close to the royal couple told Vanity Fair that they chose California because "They have a big support network there ... It's where their new team of Hollywood agents and PRs and business managers are based. Meghan has lots of friends there and, of course, her mum Doria."

At the time the couple's move to the golden state was confirmed, an unnamed inside source told People of the move that, "Harry is looking straight ahead at his future with his family. They will be spending time in California ... He's not looking back."

In March of 2020, the public got a little bit of a glimpse into the California home of Harry and Meghan during the now-famous interview with Oprah, in which we learned that the couple keeps chickens and is attempting to raise their children in a grounded, family-focused home. 

Now, the public has gotten to see even more of the couple's palatial California house. 

Inside the mansion

In August of 2021, Meghan Markle announced that she would be celebrating her 40th birthday by launching a new initiative geared toward female mentorship (via CNN). This announcement came in the form of a comical video shot at the Montecito, CA mansion where she lives with Harry and their two children, Archie and Lilibet. Comedian and actor Melissa McCarthy, who happens to be a personal friend of Meghan's, also appeared in the video, and Harry himself made a cameo. 

While the video left some folks smiling, many began reading deeply into the details they found in the home and in what the Duchess was wearing, like her star sign necklace, wondering what might be coming next from the couple's media empire and the mentoring program Meghan was about to launch. Viewers also got to see Meghan's beautiful office, complete with a clean, white theme and a majestic fireplace behind her. Her desk also featured a large quartz crystal, which had some folks talking about whether new age spirituality might be something the Duchess dabbles in. 

New details about the home

Then, in the summer of 2022, fans of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were afforded more glimpses into the Monteceto mansion that the couple couldn't resist purchasing when they first saw it in 2020 (via Hello Magazine). During an August interview with The Cut, Meghan told the publication that she and Harry "did everything we could to get this house." The reason she gave for falling in love with the place instantly was "Because you walk in and go... Joy. And exhale. And calm. It's healing. You feel free." So certainly, whether or not the quartz crystal on her desk denotes a belief in new age spirituality, Meghan does believe places have energy, and she liked the energy of the home she now raises her family in. 

And what's not to love? The home features a spa, an outdoor pool, a private tennis court, and a playground for Archie and Lilibet to enjoy (via Hello Magazine). And since they moved in, Meghan and Harry have added their own flare, including Soho House rose-water candles in each and every room, and a grand piano that was a housewarming gift from their friend Tyler Perry, which is a focal point of their living room. 

And while there are no public photos of the couple's bedroom, 3-D renderings of the home reveal that their master suite has an outdoor terrace, and en-suite bathroom, and a dressing room attached to the bedroom itself. A lovely place to relax, we imagine, after a busy day. 
