The Real Housewives Of Dallas Season 6 - Here's What We Can Tell Fans So Far

As the ninth installment of "The Real Housewives" franchise, "The Real Housewives of Dallas" has been airing on Bravo since 2016. The reality show's fifth season aired between January 5 and May 11, 2021, focusing on Stephanie Hollman, Brandi Redmond, D'Andra Simmons, Kameron Westcott, Kary Brittingham, and Tiffany Moon. Each of these installments feature glamorous outfits, lavish vacations, and lots of excitement. This is definitely true for these ladies, as everything is bigger in Texas, including the drama.

As of publication, several other series within this franchise are on and are about to start, but fans want to know — when will more episodes of "The Real Housewives of Dallas" be happening, and who will make up the cast? Has filming started? Will it be soon? Do we have to wait until next year? Will any original stars return? Are there going to be several new additions? Read on to learn everything that is known about Season 6 of this hit reality series.

When will Season 6 of The Real Housewives of Dallas premiere?

First thing's first, when can more episodes of this exciting reality show be expected? As stated by Bustle, "The Real Housewives of Dallas" usually starts in the late summer months. In 2020, however, the premiere was delayed due to COVID-19, and ultimately the season had a December 21, 2020 start date.

On June 7, 2021, the Twitter account @housewivesofdtx said, "Let the test filming begin...," and on July 23, it tweeted, "We will see life in Dallas during the fall and winter seasons for the first time. Maybe even a Christmas party finale!"

Based on these bits of information, it can be concluded that "The Real Housewives of Dallas" is getting ready to film and that the next season will air in early 2022. This may feel far away, but it is exciting to think about seeing these attractive and affluent women of Dallas celebrating the holiday season ... and bringing the drama during this time of the year, too.

Who will be on the sixth season of The Real Housewives of Dallas?

The Instagram account @realhousewivesfranchise posted, on June 18, 2021, "Rumors are circulating that only three housewives are returning for Season 6 of 'The Real Housewives of Dallas,' who will be joined by three new additions!"

Which three are rumored to return, though?

Kameron Westcott, on one hand, said that she didn't think anyone was leaving the show. "I think people always say that to get people stirred up and get people worried that they're leaving, but I really don't think anyone's gonna leave," she said, via Entertainment Tonight. On the other hand, it has been said that Tiffany Moon isn't sure if she wants to come back or not. And on February 21, 2021, Brandi Redmond posted to Instagram, saying, "I also want to thank you all for being apart of my journey these past few years. I have loved sharing my life with you but sometimes things come to an end."

More potential cast news has been shared on Twitter via @housewivesofdtx. "If production plays their cards right a guest from previous seasons could be rejoining the cast with a bigger role!" the account tweeted on June 7, 2021. A couple of weeks later came, "This vet is going to have a lot on her hands when she returns next season ... These newbies did not come to play." Finally, a tweet in July 2021 read, "Y'all ain't ready for this newbie! Let me repeat ... YALL AINT READY FOR THIS NEWBIE!" (via Twitter).
