Here's What Joe Biden Misses Most Since Moving Into The White House

One can never have any doubt that Joe Biden wanted to be President of the United States. After all, he ran for the highest office in the land twice before finally landing the job. Joe's first presidential campaign was in 1988 but he dropped out before the first primary votes were cast amid a plagiarism scandal, per Vox

He gave it another try 20 years later in 2008 where his primary opponents were Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama (via The Philadelphia Inquirer). In 2020, Joe finally got lucky and won the presidency, which of course allowed him and his wife Dr. First Lady Jill Biden to move into the White House. However, Joe admitted at a CNN Town Hall in Ohio on July 22 that there are certain freedoms you lose while living there (via Cincinnati).

Of course, Joe already lived eight years as vice president with Secret Servicemen around him constantly, though it was still a different environment than it is in the White House, where there are even more people there to meet your every need with little time to feel alone. With that Joe misses certain things about living outside of the White House – while still knowing it's an honor to be there – and he got candid about his thoughts on the subject.

Biden missing doing this one thing alone

When news correspondent and town hall host Don Lemon asked President Joe Biden to take Americans behind the scenes at the White House and let them know what it's like to live in such a historic and famous building, Biden described how different his life has been for the past six months.

"You know, it's a wonderful honor. As you can tell, I hope I have very good manners, but I'm not very hung up on protocol ... It is very hard to get comfortable like I would ordinarily be," Biden said (via Cincinnati). "For example, I think all of the help that's there, providing meals and all the rest, I think they love us. You can say, don't come in for breakfast, we can get our own breakfast, because I like to walk out in my robe and go in ... But the living conditions, I mean, it's such a great, great honor to live in the White House."

Biden then explained what it was like to live at the vice president's DC residence, which is located on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington DC and where Kamala Harris lives now (via Business Insider). "There it was totally different," he revealed. "You can walk out in your shorts with a short sleeve shirt on and you can walk around and there wasn't anybody there. You can't walk out anywhere now."
