Royal Expert Opens Up About Prince George's Personality

Prince William and Kate Middleton's oldest son, Prince George, may be third in line for the throne, but he's also a normal, rambunctious child who is set to celebrate his eighth birthday later this month. The young prince was spotted alongside his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, over the weekend as they rooted on England at the Euro Finals (via Entertainment Tonight). During the game, little George dressed similarly to his father in a suit, and the family was photographed showing emotion as they jumped, cheered, and hugged after their team scored a goal. However, George was left disappointed when England ultimately lost to Italy.

The loss was taken hard by both Prince William and George, as the duke was seen consoling his heartbroken son following the game. Later, William also shared his upset over the loss via Twitter, writing, "Heartbreaking. Congratulations @Azzurri on a great victory. @England, you've all come so far, but sadly this time it wasn't our day. You can all hold your heads high, and be so proud of yourselves — I know there's more to come. W." While the game didn't turn out the way the Cambridges wanted, fans loved seeing glimpses of George's relationship with his parents. Now, one royal expert is weighing in on the young prince's personality when he's at home with his family.

According to this expert, Prince George is a prankster

According to The Mirror, royal author Duncan Larcombe opened up about Prince George's silly and playful nature when he's at home with his family, which includes parents Prince William and Kate Middleton, as well as sister Princess Charlotte and brother Prince Louis. Larcombe said that George is full of energy and that he loves to joke around. Larcombe also shared that one of the reasons George is so full of fun is that William and Kate have worked to give their kids a "down-to-earth" upbringing.

"Although Prince George might be future king of the castle, he's not king of the castle yet. He's not Little Lord Fauntleroy. He's a rascal (almost) eight-year-old — full of mischief and always playing tricks and pranks on his younger sister and brother," the author told OK! "Hopefully George can enjoy all the benefits of royal life, but without the extraordinary, weird impact of growing up in a goldfish bowl." Larcombe went on to share the prince's parents have a huge responsibility in shaping the way that he's raised, especially given his life in the spotlight. "They will have to explain the extraordinary circumstances he's been born into and hope, as a result, his head doesn't pop and he doesn't become a complete lunatic, as has happened to some members of his family," he said. 

It appears that William and his own brother, Prince Harry, have similar goals when it comes to their children. Previously, Harry has spoken out about wanting his children to have normal childhood experiences despite their royal heritage. "[Harry and Meghan's] children will be raised to appreciate the differences in society. They will have chores at home and be brought up with respect," a source told Entertainment Tonight in 2018.
