Justin Timberlake's Response To Britney Spears' Hearing Has The Internet Seeing Red

Britney Spears spoke out about her long-standing conservatorship during a court hearing on June 23 (via E! Online). The "Lucky" singer told the court exactly how she felt as she asked for her conservatorship to end, and revealed the conditions under which she's been living her life. During the hearing, Britney admitted that she had no idea she could ask to end the conservatorship. "I haven't done anything in the world to deserve this treatment," she shared. "It's not OK to force me to do anything I don't want to do."

Britney also revealed that she wanted to get married and have more children. However, the legal restraints placed upon her prevented her from tying the knot and removing her birth control. "I deserve to have the same rights as anybody does by having a child, a family, any of those things." The singer went on to claim that she's forced to attend therapy in a very public location, which often leaves her open to the paparazzi. She requested that therapy be done in her own home and that she be free to make her own choices. "I feel bullied, and I feel left out and alone. I'm tired of feeling alone." Following Britney's hearing, many celebrities began to speak up in support of the star. Britney's former boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, was one of the famous faces who made a public statement in favor of ending the conservatorship, and fans definitely had opinions about his comments.

Justin Timberlake wants justice for Britney Spears

Following Britney Spears' court hearing, Justin Timberlake took to Twitter to send love to his former girlfriend (via Us Weekly). "After what we saw today, we should all be supporting Britney at this time ... what's happening to her is just not right. No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body. No one should EVER be held against their will ... or ever have to ask permission to access everything they've worked so hard for ... We hope the courts, and her family make this right and let her live however she wants to live," Timberlake's statement read in part.

Of course, many fans immediately began to jump all over the "Cry Me a River" singer, accusing him of contributing to Britney's downfall. "You are literally one of the reasons this entire thing even started but okay bro try to make yourself seem like a good guy if that makes you feel better about yourself," one Twitter user wrote. "Buddy ... sometimes it's better to not say anything. I know you've grown, but you're complicit here," another tweeted. "You don't get to talk about her after all those years of using her to your advantage BOI BYE," a third Twitter user wrote. Still another tweeted, "Did I miss the part of the thread where you [apologize] and examine your own part in this?" Meanwhile, others commended Justin for showing support for his ex.
