Why Shia LaBeouf Regrets His Role In Indiana Jones

The character of Indiana Jones stole the hearts of fans and single women back in 1981 when moviegoers were introduced to a handsome archeology professor. Harrison Ford made running from boulders and deciphering codes look like a piece of cake, all while keeping his wits and good looks about him.

In 2008, the adventurer returned to the screen after a 20-year hiatus and showed that Indiana Jones could be reimagined for the next generation. Harrison Ford reprised his original role, and fans were given some bread crumbs about the possibilities to come.

The Soviets were invading, but Indiana Jones had issues to deal with other than aliens with crystal skulls and his old flame back in the picture. Indy learned that he not only had a teenage son but that his son wanted to drop out of school and become a motorcycle mechanic. Enter Shia LaBeouf, who was cast to play Mutt Williams.

Shia feels he failed fans

According to Marie Claire, Shia LaBeouf hated playing the son of Indiana Jones, and many fans hated seeing him try to wear the famous hat. Evidently, the pressure was too much, with the actor revealing, "I feel like I dropped the ball on the legacy that people loved and cherished. You get to monkey-swinging and things like that, and you can blame it on the writer, and you can blame it on Steven Spielberg. But the actor's job is to make it come alive and make it work, and I couldn't do it. So that's my fault. Simple."

LaBeouf had worked with the famed director, Steven Spielberg, before in "Transformers," "Eagle Eye," and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." But after an interview with Vanity Fair, fans now understood why he disliked the leading role so much. Like almost everyone who has met their idol, LaBeouf was disappointed, revealing, "You get there, and you realize you're not meeting the Spielberg you dream of. You're meeting a different Spielberg, who is in a different stage in his career. He's less a director than he is a f***ing company."

Shia will not be back for the next movie

After telling readers and the world that he didn't "like the movies that I made with Spielberg," it was a safe assumption that Shia LaBeouf would not be welcomed back to film the fifth installment of the franchise (per Variety). It was announced to Entertainment Weekly by screenwriter David Koepp that the character of Mutt Williams would not be back to snag the famed hat from his father's head, telling the outlet, "And the Shia LaBeouf character is not in the film."

So what is next for the newest installment that is currently filming in England? Well, no one is quite sure what the plot will be, but Koepp revealed, "We're plugging away at it. In terms of when we would start, I think that's up to Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Ford," saying there will be "some precious artifact that they're all looking for." One thing is for sure; adventure awaits for the explorers who are willing to take the chances.
