What Courteney Cox And Jennifer Aniston Just Shared About Rachel And Ross' First Kiss

If you're a "Friends" fanatic, you remember the moment like it was yesterday (although it was really 1995). Jennifer Aniston's Rachel was closing up at Central Perk as rain beat down on the windows and she suddenly heard banging on the door. She looked up and there was David Schwimmer's Ross with his puppy dog eyes peeping through the window. Rachel ran to the door and tried to unlock it and nearly cried when she couldn't. Ross suggested trying the bottom lock and it finally worked. Rachel opened the door and the pair fell into their long-awaited kiss. Now, Aniston and Courteney Cox revealed a secret you never knew about that moment.

Fans can relive this moment and so many other "Friends" moments as they have over the years through the world of reruns. The entire series run of the iconic sitcom is coming to HBO Max in early June 2021, with a reunion special streaming on May 27, according to CNET. And two of the show's stars have admitted on "Good Morning America" that they have been watching reruns themselves to get ready for the big "Friends" event.

Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston are Friends fans too

The cast looked back on old times on "Good Morning America" on May 26 and admitted they've been hanging out of late to watch their younger selves at work. "Court and I watched it the other day just to catch up on some stuff," Jennifer Aniston told GMA.

Courteney Cox revealed they got to that Season 2 episode where Ross and Rachel's long-awaited first kiss takes place. "Laughed and cried and — yeah. Their first kiss, Ross and Rachel, that was — ah! It was so powerful," Cox said.

Aniston replied by outing her former co-star and current friend's soft spot. "Yeah, she was in tears."

But weren't we all when Ross learned that Rachel was over him, while wondering when she was ever under him? He then learned she finally realized she had feelings for him and came back later that night for a kiss that will live on forever in the world of sitcom streaming.
