Things Friends Fans Never Noticed About Joey Tribbiani

"How you doing" now that the "Friends: The Reunion" is almost here? The HBO Max special is guaranteed to be an emotional trip down memory lane as the OG cast of "Friends" reunites for the first time since the show ended in 2004. Recently, People released an exclusive look at the sextet all together again, and it's as if no time has passed with these real-life friends. 

Jennifer Aniston is correct in asking "where's the tissue box" in the official trailer, because there's sure to be a lot of happy tears while watching the special on May 27, 2021 (via CNET). You may even be preparing for the big day by marathon-watching all 10 seasons from the start. Before you do, you may want to be on the lookout for certain Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) Easter eggs in your rewatch, because even after watching it a million times, there's always something new to see.

Joey's apartment has major Easter eggs

One of the most iconic sets from the entire series is Joey's apartment. From the recliners to the foosball table, there's a lot to look at, so it's possible you may have missed some fun details. For instance, in the 10th season, you may notice a hole in Joey's wall, according to BuzzFeed. Back when the show was on air, the TV screen aspect ratio was 4:3. Now, it's universally 16:9, which means you may notice things that were meant to be cropped out.

Another big change to the apartment was that it switched floors from the 1st season. According to Screen Rant, both Monica and Rachel's apartment and Joey and Chandler's were originally four and five, but were moved up to 19 and 20 so they could live on a higher floor. That's something you'd only notice if you were paying attention to the background, just like Joey's VD subway posters. Apparently, the brand that Joey becomes the face of in the episode, "The One Where Underdog Gets Away," is used throughout the series and you can spot the poster in other episodes.

A hard Easter egg that major sleuths have cracked is the meaning behind Joey's ATM pin number. According to Metro, Joey's number is 5639, which stands for "Joey." Since that takes a bit more puzzle-solving, it's totally understandable that you've never noticed it before. But now, it's a fun fact you can dish at your "Friends: The Reunion" party.
