Why Royal Experts Fear Prince Harry May Never Reconcile With The Royal Family

We've been hearing Britain's Prince Harry talk about his family and the perceived impact their actions have had on his mental health for the last few months. There was the bombshell-filled conversation between Oprah Winfrey, Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, which took place back in March, and then there was the recent conversation, which aired as part of actor Dax Shepard's podcast, where Harry addressed his "genetic pain" (via Telegraph). 

Now, Harry is speaking out candidly, yet again, as part of his latest documentary, "The Me You Can't See." Produced with Oprah Winfrey, the new docuseries features Harry and Oprah discussing their personal mental health journeys, as well as, other celebrities, who go on camera and raise the matter of their own mental health problems (via ABC). But unlike the show's other celebrity guests, royal experts say Harry's decision to continue opening up could have unintended consequences, particularly where his relationship with his father Prince Charles is concerned.

In revealing his own truth, Harry may be inadvertently hurting others

The Telegraph's Camilla Tominey says: " What I think has taken people somewhat aback is the volume with which he [Harry] has spoken. His supporters will say this is because he thinks this is a really serious issue, that it needs to be properly highlighted. Having said that, the point I think has been made that perhaps in discussion of his own mental health he may not be quite as mindful as he should be on the anguish caused to others."

The feeling of others, particularly his relatives across the pond is not expected to encourage Harry to hold his tongue, however. As a source from Harry's camp put it to Vanity Fair, the Duke of Sussex feels "he has to speak about his own experiences in order to be authentic. His mother's death is a big part of that. He feels he needs to share his own story in order to encourage others to open up. He hasn't gone into this wanting to attack his family, but to help others."

Prince Charles has been 'devastated' by things Harry has said

Prince Harry's innocent intentions are likely missed on the part of his father Prince Charles, who could view himself as the target of Harry's anger. A friend of the Prince of Wales has told Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair, "I think Charles has been quite devastated by some of the things Harry has said. He is such a gentle man and a dedicated father first and foremost. Knowing him, he'll be feeling wretched and will take no joy or happiness in what's going on within the family."

Sources inside Buckingham Palace have already said Harry's decision to keep talking about his past isn't helping him build bridges with his family.

"There have been some pretty solid briefings from Prince Charles' camp expressing dismay and disappointment over some of the language that has been used, and I think it's true to say that the royals are a little fearful of trying to repair and build some of these bridges if their personal conversations end up running on CBS — and that in turn seems counter intuitive," The Telegraph's Camilla Tominey explains. "Of course there's hopes for reconciliation and repair on both sides, but ... it begs the question how easy that becomes when you have more and more of these outpourings which only seem to imply a degree of wrongdoing on behalf of the royals."

Prince Charles isn't likely to address Harry's revelations

And while talking about emotions on television is something both Harry's father, Prince Charles, and his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, have both done in the past, expert Ingrid Seward says it doesn't change the fact that Harry will end up hurting his father. "Charles is probably hurt and angry like any parent would be. But he's quite pragmatic about his kids and has always felt he has to let them get on with it. He knows he can't change the past, and he won't retaliate because he knows it will just make it worse," Seward tells Vanity Fair.

Unfortunately, no matter what Buckingham Palace or observers of the royal family think, Harry isn't about to suddenly quiet down. "He would feel like a hypocrite if he didn't talk openly. It's all very well people wanting Harry to put a sock in it, but Harry doesn't think what he's saying is wrong. He thinks we should all be talking about our emotions," a source close to him has said. Which means it could be a while before anyone can expect Harry to return to the family fold.
