Michael Cohen Has Something To Say About Donald Trump's Legal Troubles

Former President Donald Trump's legal troubles may only just beginning, but his old lawyer, Michael Cohen thinks the billionaire already has his defense strategy all lined up. "I think Donald Trump is going to flip on all of them including his children," Cohen tells MSNBC (via HuffPost).

Cohen, who was released into home confinement when the coronavirus pandemic broke out last year, expects the former president to throw Trump Organization's Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg under the bus first, simply because, as Trump's former lawyer said, it was never about Donald. "See, this is the problem. It's never, ever Donald Trump. It's always somebody else," Cohen said. From there, "He's going to turn on his accountant and point the finger. He's going to say, 'Don Jr. handled that, Ivanka handled that. Melania. Don't take me. Take Melania.' He's going to tell them to take everyone except for himself. That's just the kind of guy he is."

Michael Cohen worked with Donald Trump for more than a decade

Michael Cohen could be in a position to know, because he was Trump's personal lawyer for more than ten years before he himself decided to cooperate with federal prosecutors. in 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to charges that included wire fraud, tax evasion, and violations involving campaign finance. He even said he lied to Congress while Robert Muller was investigating potential Russian interference in the 2016 elections. Insider says that since he began cooperating with federal prosecutors Cohen has met with them several times, and he's described the meetings as "not good news" for his former client. In exchange for his cooperation, Cohen is serving a three-year sentence.

If Donald Trump is unable to take any blame for the legal troubles he is in, this wouldn't be the first time he might be seen deflecting blame instead of taking ownership. Last year, as the coronavirus pandemic was just starting to spread, Trump was quoted as saying "I don't take responsibility at all," because he was juggling what he called "rules, regulations and specifications from a different time" (via Politico). 
