Is Prince Harry Still Going To Attend Diana's Statue Unveiling?

The feud between Prince Harry and his family has become long enough to merit a whole season of "The Crown." Following his controversial interview with Oprah Winfrey, that raised issues including accusations of racism and lack of support within the palace, the prince went on to make more shocking statements. He called the First Amendment "bonkers," which roused the ire of Americans and Britons alike (granted, he was referring to the media's abuse of the constitutional right as an excuse to spread gossip, but his words could have been better chosen). He even talked about his father, Prince Charles, passing on "genetic pain and suffering" that he wants to avoid for his own children. Charles actually did have an unhappy childhood, but one just doesn't air the palace's dirty linens in public, you know? 

The palace appears to be quietly retaliating. Neither the royal family Twitter account nor the account of Charles acknowledged Harry and Meghan's third wedding anniversary, although both congratulated Princess Beatrice on her just-announced pregnancy the same morning. Harry's big brother, Prince William, stayed silent, too. This all led up to speculation about the status of Harry's planned return to England for the unveiling of a statue dedicated to his late mother, Princess Diana. Would the Duke of Sussex bow out to avoid a scene back home?

Prince Harry will honor his mother this summer

Prince Harry's fans can breathe a sigh of relief. A source close to the palace told Page Six that he will "absolutely" be there for the July 1, 2021 statue unveiling, which would have been his mother's 60th birthday. The only thing that might possibly stand in his way is if the new daughter he and Meghan Markle are expecting arrives at the same time. 

No matter the confirmation of Harry's attendance, the circumstances of the visit are still in question. No word has yet been announced about where Harry will be staying, or if he will be visiting with any of his relatives either before or after the ceremony. The source wondered, "[H]ow will it all go down? Will he just turn up on the day without having seen them beforehand?"

It's likely that the mutual love Prince William and Harry have for their mother will keep them from starting any unpleasantness during the event. The memorial was their plan to begin with — the two commissioned the statue in 2017 "to recognize [Diana's] positive impact," and hoped that visitors would use it as inspiration "to reflect on her life and her legacy" (via the Daily Mail). What will happen after the cameras are off, however, is another story — and one that royals watchers everywhere will be following very closely.
